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Kilgore session 4 questions

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Session 4 Questions
Tonda Kilgore
Colorado Christian University
INT-212A-ON25B-FA21: Adult Studies Seminar II- Block 2
Jennifer Smith
October 31, 2021

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Session 4 Questions
Read Genesis 37:1-36 in your Bible. What were the circumstances that led to Joseph’s
brothers’ treatment of him?
Joseph was chosen as a leader by God through a dream. He promised him that he would rise to
position of leadership over his family. His brothers saw it as unfair privilege as the favorite son
of their father.
Read Genesis 39. In Genesis 39, what character traits do you see emerge in Joseph in
response to his encounter with Potiphar’s wife?
Character, Integrity, Loyalty, Honesty, Faithfulness, Intelligence, and Strength
He was tempted multiple times and he resisted.
Read Genesis 40 and 41. In these passages, what circumstances led to Joseph’s favor with
the king?
He was able to translate dreams while in prison for the King’s cupbearer and chief maker.
Pharaoh was having disturbing dreams, and the chief cupbearer remembered the skill of Joseph.
Pharaoh’s dreams had confused his most skilled counselors. Joseph testified to God’s ability to
provide interpretations and his own role as merely the mediator of this revelation.
Based on this biblical account of Joseph, what characteristics do you see in Joseph that led
to his position of influence and leadership? How does this connect to your readings during
your time in this course?
His competence in what he was doing. He remained faithful while in prison and never wavered
from his commitment to follow God. He did his job with excellence, no matter what role he was
in. I will keep Joseph’s faithfulness in mind throughout this course and I will do this through my
studies as I do it for the Lord, not for human masters.

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1 Session 4 Questions Tonda Kilgore Colorado Christian University INT-212A-ON25B-FA21: Adult Studies Seminar II- Block 2 Jennifer Smith October 31, 2021 2 Session 4 Questions Read Genesis 37:1-36 in your Bible. What were the circumstances that led to Joseph’s brothers’ treatment of him? Joseph was chosen as a leader by God through a dream. He promised him that he would rise to position of leadership over his family. His brothers saw it as unfair privilege as the favorite son of their father. Read Genesis 39. In Genesis 39, what character traits do you see emerge in Joseph in response to his encounter with Potiphar’s wife? Character, Integrity, Loyalty, Honesty, Faithfulness, Intelligence, and Strength He was tempted multiple times and he resisted. Read Genesis 40 and 41. In these passages, what circumstances led to Joseph’s favor with the king? He was able to translate dreams while in prison for the King’s cupbearer and chief maker. Pharaoh was having disturbing dreams, and the chief cupbearer remembered the skill of Joseph. Pharaoh’s dreams had confused his most skilled counselors. Joseph testified to God’s ability to provide interpretations and his own role as ...
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