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Juvenile Homicide

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Running Head: JUVENILE HOMICIDE 1 Juvenile Homicide Student Institution Affiliation JUVENILE HOMICIDE 2 Introduction Juvenile delinquency is the act of committing criminal offenses by young children and adults, ranging from ages 10 to 18. These criminal acts are not referred to as "violations" as they would be for grown-ups. Since the 80’s, crime amongst the youth has been on the rise. There have been concerns that the youth are getting more aggressive and the juvenile system is unable to respond effectively to rehabilitate these minors and get them back on track so that they can be productive members of the society. The legal system has reacted to this development with complete indifference, the laws in place lack any consideration to the situation these children are in and the reason they commit these crimes. They have increased the punitive measures in these cases and increased means by which minors can be tried as adults for a variety of crimes. Among the crimes committed by juveniles is the homicide. This paper will look at juvenile homicide offenders including their behavior, civil process, and how such criminal behavior can be prevented and treated. Juvenile homicide happens to be a social issue that has been a central focus of research in the recent past. The most severe form of crime, Murder or Criminal Homicide, can be described as unlawful taking of another person’s life and is regarded as a dangerous form of crime (HG, 1995-2016). 2/3 of the U.S have ass ...
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