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SOC 120 week 1 checkpoint Sociological Research Methods

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Sociological Research Methods 1
Sociological Research Methods
Dawnette Dunkley
Axia College of University of Phoenix

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Sociological Research Methods 2
Sociological Research Methods
The purpose of the article was to examine the major public health issue of suicide among the
American Indian population. Researchers believe this issue is so severe, its effect on Native
American communities is similar to the effect that wars and acts of terrorism have on the general
public (Olson & Wahab, 2006). The research methods used in the article include interviews as
well as previous data findings.
The authors of the article interviewed mental health professionals and scholars who deal with
suicide prevention. Previous data findings also help the authors to analyze major risk factors that
contribute to the high suicide rates among Native Americans. Information from these data
includes barriers that impede research, inadequate prevention programs, and the need for more
mental-health service. Additionally, the data provides information for necessary research and
More than any other ethnic groups, American Indians appear to have the highest instances of
suicide, especially among adolescents and young adults. Shaughnessy, Doshi, & Jones (2004)
cite that, the second-leading cause of death among Native Americans 15-24 age demographic
happens to be suicide. Olson & Wahab (2006) find that high suicide rates among adolescents
and young adult is one the most disturbing trends on most Indian reservations. Data reveals that
37.1 in 100,000 Native Americans between ages 15 to 24 have two and a half times more suicide
rates than people of the same age range in the general public.
Quantitative data seems to be the methodological orientation that best reflects in the article.
Researchers used Structural-functional approach and seem to gather their information with the
use of quantitative data. Furthermore, the researchers remain neutral observers in conducting this

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Sociological Research Methods Dawnette Dunkley Axia College of University of Phoenix Sociological Research Methods The purpose of the article was to examine the major public health issue of suicide among the American Indian population. Researchers believe this issue is so severe, its effect on Native American communities is similar to the effect that wars and acts of terrorism have on the general public (Olson & Wahab, 2006). The research methods used in the article include interviews as well as previous data findings. The authors of the article interviewed mental health professionals and scholars who deal with suicide prevention. Previous data findings also help the authors to analyze major risk factors that contribute to the high suicide rates among Native Americans. Information from these data includes barriers that impede research, inadequate preventio ...
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