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SURNAME 1 First Name Surname Course Title Professor’s Name Date PART ONE According to the primary document the challenge that the United States is facing is the polarization of power in regards to the free society and the Soviet system. The United States found the ideologies were irrationally and dangerously divisive. However, they still required the support of the Soviet Union for them to stand a chance of winning a war. Ideological, political and economic differences between the United States and the Soviet Union were motivated by bitter superpower rivalry that hindered them from reaching a mutual understanding on significant policy issues that led to cold war (Fautua, David 9). The politics of the United States has based on democracy’ a government put in place through free and regular elections while the Soviet Union was communist/totalitarianism. The United States was against totalitarianism as they believed it violated fundamental human rights. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, was against democracy believed that it was hypocritical to promote democracy and still gain economic equality. Secondly, the United States supported the idea of equality concerning law and opportunity while the Soviet Union supported equality within a sense of conditions. Besides, the United States believed in the views of individualism as human nature while the Soviet Union argued that individualism resulted from inequality and instead embraced collectivism in the belief that people exist ...
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