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Lesson 4 drawing conventions

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DRAWING CONVENTIONS PROJECTIONS The first methods of communication were spoken language and picture languages. The picture languages have developed through the years into a great number of written Languages and one universally accepted graphic language. This universal graphic language is based upon a theory of projections. That is, it is assumed that imaginary sight lines, called projectors, extend from the eye of the observer to the object being described. The projectors transmit an image of the object onto an intervening transparent surface called the picture plane. This image is called a projection of the object. Picture plane projectors observer PROJECTIONS Parallel Projection – when the projectors are all parallel to each other. Parallel projectors angled (oblique) to the picture plane result in an oblique projection. Perspective projection. When the projectors all converge at a point (the observer’s eye). Orthographic projection. common method of representing threedimensional objects, usually by three two-dimensional drawings in each of which the object is viewed along parallel lines that are perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. Oblique projection. is a simple type of technical drawing of graphical projection used for producing two-dimensional images of three-dimensional objects. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Multi-view. a multiview projection is a technique of illustration by which a standardized series of orthographic twodimensional pictures are constructed ...
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