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Whatsamattu Students Statistical Questions

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Running Head: STATISTICS Whatsamattu Students Statistical Questions Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Instructor: Date: STATISTICS 2 1. The battle of the sexes lives on still today. Since admission standards do not address gender whatsoever, there should be an equally diverse group of men and women in school, but do they perform equally well. Using the sample of 200 students, conduct a hypothesis test for two independent samples to determine if the mean GPA differs for men and women. Use a .05 significance level. A response to this question calls for several statistical steps that are systematically presented commencing from the test summary, stating the hypothesis, calculation of the test statistics, conclusion and discussion. Test Summary Let N = 200; where the number of females, n1 = 100 and the number of males, n2 = 100. Ȳ1 = 3.5159, which is the sample mean for the female from the data set. Ȳ2 = 3.3266, which is the sample mean for the males from the excel data set. S1 = 0.286963, the female sample standard deviation. S2 = 0.301372, is the male sample standard deviation. Stating the Hypothesis Since it engages the comparison of two independent sample sizes, Let H0: µ1 - µ2 = 0, be the null supposition, and H1: µ1 - µ2 ≠ 0, be the alternative supposition that tests the difference in the GPA’s of the two population means (Bowen, & Bok, 2016). STATISTICS 3 α = 0.05, which implies that Zα/2 = Z0.025 = 1.96, while the rejection criterion occurs ...
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