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SOC 120 week 4 checkpoint Social and Formal Groups Comparison.

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Social and Formal Groups Comparison 1
Social and Formal Groups Comparison
Dawnette Dunkley
Axia College of University of Phoenix

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Social and Formal Groups Comparison 2
Social and formal Groups Comparison
For most of my life, it seems like I have been a part of some type of group or organization.
One social group that I was a part of in the past was high school cheerleading; and one formal
group in which I was involved was the Girls’ Brigade (GB). Although both groups promote
socialization; the Girls’ Brigade had more rigid rules and code of conduct as oppose to
cheerleading group, which norms were more informal and flexible.
The cheerleading group had leaders in the form of a coaches or head-cheerleaders; hierarchy
was nonexistent, activities were essentially the same for everyone, and our shared common
interest in cheerleading was the main criteria for this group. Besides cheerleading, we would
have fund-raisers that help to pay for uniforms and gears; additionally, this group also promotes
closer personal relationships among its members.
On the other hand, I was involved in the Girls’ Brigade as a teenager; this group had a more
formal structure. With regard to leadership, the GB trains all its leaders as well as equips children
and youth workers. Its hierarchy has the Commissioned Officer at the top, and anyone aspiring to
become one has to undertake a basic course called the Adult Leadership Training Program.
Unlike the cheerleading team with no clear chain of command, the GB operates at different
levels. Activities usually vary depends on age groups; girls between seven and 11 were known as
juniors, between 10 and 14 were seniors, and between 13 and 18 were Brigaders.
The GB was essentially a Christian charity group that works with girls and young women of
every socioeconomic background in local communities. Its main mission is about providing girls
and young women a sense of responsibility, the importance of community involvement, and
prepares them to be contributing members of society. GB groups conducts meetings about five
evenings per week in churches, schools, and community centers. Some activities include

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Social and Formal Groups Comparison Dawnette Dunkley Axia College of University of Phoenix Social and formal Groups Comparison For most of my life, it seems like I have been a part of some type of group or organization. One social group that I was a part of in the past was high school cheerleading; and one formal group in which I was involved was the Girls' Brigade (GB). Although both groups promote socialization; the Girls' Brigade had more rigid rules and code of conduct as oppose to cheerleading group, which norms were more informal and flexible. The cheerleading group had leaders in the form of a coaches or head-cheerleaders; hierarchy was nonexistent, activities were essentially the same for everyone, and our shared common interest in cheerleading was the main criteria for this group. Besides cheerleading, we would have fund-raisers that help to pay for ...
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