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El Paso Community College
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A lobbyist is the activist who seeks to convince members of government to help in
enacting legislations which will benefit a certain group. The lobbying professionals are
legitimate and a very integral part of democratic political processes that are not well
comprehended by general population. The lobbyists are both paid professionals and volunteers.
Many of the lobbyists offer themselves and render services which are free hence benefitting the
entire group. The person or an individual who contacts any member of congress or rather petition
the government is working as a lobbyist. The industry of lobbying is well regulated and at the
same time protected the Amendment of United States Constitution which guarantees the right to
assembly, petition and free speech. Lobbying entails more than influencing the legislators. They
take part in researching and analyzing proposals and educate the officials of government on
important matters. Also, they work to change public opinions by way of influencing known
opinion leaders.
Ex-legislators as lobbyists
Former legislators are very resourceful in a country because of their huge experience in
different matters. It is very ethical for former legislators to become lobbyists. The ex-legislators
are required to complete the cooling off period before joining or forming lobby groups. They
understand how to approach serving members of Congress and the best procedures of petitioning
the government on pertinent issues. The lobbyist represents almost all American institutions and
interest groups. I believe that ex-legislators are best suited to be lobbyist and it is ethical
considering that all lobby groups are registered. Those who have left the office recently are

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Name Course Title Institution Instructor Date Lobbyist A lobbyist is the activist who seeks to convince members of government to help in enacting legislations which will benefit a certain group. The lobbying professionals are legitimate and a very integral part of democratic political processes that are not well comprehended by general population. The lobbyists are both paid professionals and volunteers. Many of the lobbyists offer themselves and render services which are free hence benefitting the entire group. The person or an individual who contacts any member of congress or rather petition the government is working as a lobbyist. The industry of lobbying is well regulated and at the same time protected the Amendment of United States Constitution which guarantees the right to assembly, petition and free speech. Lobbying entails more than influencing the legislators. They take part in researching and analyzing proposals and educate the officials of government on important matters. Also, they work to change public opinions by way of influencing known opinion leaders. Ex-legislators as lobbyists Former legislators are very resourceful in a country because of their huge experie ...
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