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Political Parties

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Political Science
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A political party is an organized set of individuals who come together with a similar
political opinion and aim which might seek to cause an influence on the public policy by
ensuring that its candidates are elected to the public office. Parties are durable and deeply
entrenched in particular structures of the society in a well-functioning and sustainable
democracy (La Palombara, 78). The paper is meant to analyze the roles performed by the
political parties in a democratic society.
The fundamental purpose of parties is the nomination of candidates for offices of the
public and to ensure that they are as many as possible. Once elected to the offices, the
officials try to ensure that the goals of the stipulated party are achieved through program
initiatives and legislation.
Political parties also represent the interests of their groups. Constituents are the people
who are represented by the elected officials, and they make their needs and concerns
available to those who represent them. In turn, the elected officials reflect their concerns by
attracting support through supporting nonpartisan and bipartisan issues. Political parties
represent individuals as well as groups. For instance, they can represent the interests of small
farm operators, farm workers, teachers, particular industries (Pye, 57).
Political parties also simplify choices. The two major political parties in America;
Democratic and Republican parties; appeal to several different people as possible. They
achieve the above through stating their objectives and goals in a general and simple way to

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attract the voters to a large philosophy without focusing on each specific aspect or issue
(Bartle, 44). An example, they support labor, conserve their positions on some specific social
issues and are concerned about the size of the ruling government.
Political parties participate in the provision of political stability. They simplify, unite,
and stabilize the process of politics in a particular state. The destabilizing and detracting
forces of regionalism, geographical situations, localism, section interests are mainly tackled
by the political parties through making them part of their ideologies. The above leads to the
pacifying of the disintegrating factors and inducing public cohesion. The parties majorly
perform the role of aggregation of interests.' They play a great function of maintenance of
stability through performing their obligations in the legislature.
The parties also formulate policies (Pridham, 98). Every party fights an election with
the aim of achieving its objectives which are incorporated in the manifesto of the political
party. After the election process, the majority party seeks to push and formulate its
administration policies by the promises which were made in the manifesto of the election.
The most significant aim of many policies is to better the general and prevailing conditions.
There are roles of political parties that make them important in the modern
democracy. People who are educated judge the performance of a political party in a rational
manner (Agnew, 32). They are not easily trapped by their false promises. Uneducated voters,
on the other hand, are misled by the fake ideologies of parties leading to the selection of
wrong and less productive candidates.

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Title Date Introduction A political party is an organized set of individuals who come together with a similar political opinion and aim which might seek to cause an influence on the public policy by ensuring that its candidates are elected to the public office. Parties are durable and deeply entrenched in particular structures of the society in a well-functioning and sustainable democracy (La Palombara, 78). The paper is meant to analyze the roles performed by the political parties in a democratic society. Discussion The fundamental purpose of parties is the nomination of candidates for offices of the public and to ensure that they are as many as possible. Once elected to the offices, the officials try to ensure that the goals of the stipulated party are achieved through program initiatives and legislation. Political parties also repr ...
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