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Software Development Security

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Software Development Security
Security is an essential part of the software development process. Security involves
people, processes and practices that ensure that the software has integrity, confidentiality and
availability to the market. The only way to produce secure software is trough high security
awareness throughout the process. Security can be better achieved if its planned for in every
stage of development. It will ensure that the software is secure upon the completion of its
manufacture as it will address all aspects. It will need less attention on completion due to the
considerations that have already been made towards the system.
However, there are many challenges that may affect the development of software
security. One of the challenges is that as the project advances, the process becomes more
complex and hence a challenge in maintaining security. Due to the testing of the software, they
could easily be harmed by malicious programs such as viruses (Khan n.p). Furthermore, when
developing software, there may be security vulnerabilities in the system either introduces
intentionally or carelessly by engineers. They will compromise the whole process and even the
finished product. Poor practices in programing have been a leading reason as to why most
software fails. They contain flaws that if not corrected through the development phase, they will
affect the system once its complete.

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Once the measures are addressed, the organization then needs to conduct a test to better
understand all security features and if they work in the right manner. There are various features
that should be included in the process. Addressing security measures while developing software
is very important so as to get a secure application. It will play a role in addressing any future
security issues that may arise.

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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date Software Development Security Security is an essential part of the software development process. Security involves people, processes and practices that ensure that the software has integrity, confidentiality and availability to the market. The only way to produce secure software is trough high security awareness throughout the process. Security can be better achieved if it’s planned for in every stage of development. It will ensure that the software is secure upon the completion of its manufacture as it will address all aspects. It will need less attention on completion due to the considerations that have already been made towards the system. However, there are many challenges that may affect the development of software security. One of the challenges is that as the project advances, the process becomes more complex and hence a challenge in maintai ...
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