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Casino Security Draft

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Computer Science
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According to the policies about security in Casino facilities, our security plan must include
an organizational chart of our security department with the description of the duties and
responsibilities of each position; administrative and operational policies and procedures; a
description of the training of the security personnel; the location of permanent security
stations and security detention area; provisions for security staffing; and an emergency
plan.(“3772-20-04. Security plan, Chapter3772-20. Security Services, 3772 Casino Control
Commission, Ohio Administrative Code,” n.d.)
This first approach will describe the administrative and operational policies and procedures
related to both logical and physical security of the Casino. After determining the possible
threats, we sorted them according to the probability of occurrence and the measure of the
As any facility, our main goal is to protect our guest, our personnel and our assets from any
security breach that can happen. We will start to analyze the high probability and high
impact security risks.
High Probability High Impact Security Risks
Suggested Mitigation
devices carrying
company data
could become
1. Information theft
2. Bypassing policies
3. Eluding data leak
Implement a policy of
data deletion should the
device be lost. There
must be confirmed with
acknowledgment from
the employee. When the
device becomes lost, all
data is deleted on
Smartphones are one of
the most used devices
and have the potential
to make great damage.
The option to erase
remotely all the data on
the mobile phone can
protect the Casino and
its data.

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Directed Denial
Of Service
attack could
bring down the
casino network.
1. Server Down
2. Distraction for
other means or hack
3. Cyber Terrorism
A correctly configured
IDPS would detect a
wave of ICMP packets. A
UTM is also another
great implementation.
Protecting from cyber
attacks and logical
failures will minimize the
attempts to
employees and
executives with
1. Can carry viruses
2. Phishing schemes
3. Stolen credentials
Create a phishing button
built-in email that allows
employees to report any
email as a phishing
attempt. Also, security
classes that are annual
or bi-annual to ensure
employees are able to
catch the signs.
Although email is a great
tool, it is a potential risk.
The implementation of
the phising button can
help with the problem,
but the education of the
executives and
employees is the core of
the protection policy
because email recipients
must have when they
need to hit the phishing
Money revenue
could be stolen
by people with
malicious intent
when they
access the
1. Threat
2. Sabotage
4. Trespassing
The IDPS will also help
mitigate any threat.
RBAC will ensure only
certain people have
access to the network.
Use of secure protocols
such as SSH, TLS, SFTP,
etc. will help ensure data
stays encrypted.
Protecting money
revenues from theft
requires the
implementation of
security protocols, and
the reduced risk
increases the credibility
of the Casino
In this section of security risks, all the threats are logical and the protection depends on the
implementation of policies and procedures related to the cybersecurity. Not only data is at
risk, but the revenues of the Casino too. Cyber-attacks can come both from outside the
facility and inside. Strong firewalls, data encryption and software protection from
unauthorized access to the Casino Informatics System (CIS) are the base measures to
minimize the risk of intrusion, but educating the employees about the forms of attack that
can involve them and keeping them updated with the new methods used by hackers and
cyber-terrorist is fundamental for the implementation of security policies.

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According to the policies about security in Casino facilities, our security plan must include an organizational chart of our security department with the description of the duties and responsibilities of each position; administrative and operational policies and procedures; a description of the training of the security personnel; the location of permanent security stations and security detention area; provisions for security staffing; and an emergency plan.(“3772-20-04. Security plan, Chapter3772-20. Security Services, 3772 Casino Control Commission, Ohio Administrative Code,” n.d.) This first approach will describe the administrative and operational policies and procedures related to both logical and physical security of the Casino. After determining the possible threats, we sorted them according to the probability of occurrence and the measure of the impact. As any facility, our main goal is to protect our guest, our personnel and our assets from any security breach that can happen. We will start to analyze the high probability and high impact security risks. High Probability High Impact Security Risks Type Vulnerability Threat Logical Smartphone devices carrying sensitive company data could become lost. 1. Information theft 2. Bypassing policies 3. Eluding data leak detections Suggested Mitigation Steps Implement a policy of data deletion should the device be lost. There must be confirmed with acknowledgment from the employee. When the device becomes lost, all d ...
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