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M142 1 Making My Community A Better Place

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Making My Community a Better Place
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There are a couple of activities that I have engaged in that I am confident were intended
to make my community a better place. My visit to Shanghai metro station was, however, one of
my memorable moments. I have read about the numerous activities that take part in metro
stations around the world. The buying and booking of tickets, the boarding of trains, shopping
and other bookings among other activities take part in metro stations. Life quite literally moves
fast in metro stations as people strive to make ends meet. There are millions of people who are in
metro stations in a day. People from all walks of life, different ages and different races make use
of this infrastructure for one reason or another. The fact that the human resource in these stations
is limited prompted my desire to visit the metro station in Shanghai. The desire to understand
how things actually worked also prompted my visit. My experience would later be a life-
changing experience given the fact that I was of help to a few people in the metro station.
A young child walking along the busy station would seem like a normal scenario to the
many travelers in the metro station. This is until you realize that the child is sobbing and is
actually very confused. To my surprise, this did not seem surprising to many travelers
considering that every person had their own issues to take care of. To them, this child was like
any other traveler in the station or at least it appeared to me. This was until I approached the
sobbing child and inquired about the whereabouts of his parents or his guardians. The child
explained that he had been in the company of his mother the previous day and that he had
loitered around just to lose track of his mother. He had moved from station to station looking for
his mother for the last thirty-four hours. This could not get any worse. I imagined what the child
could have gone through and what his mother was actually going through at that moment. This is
when I explained to the child that I could be of help. I led him to the booking office where we
found the mother waiting anxiously for her child. This was a happy reunion and it could not have

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Running head: MAKING MY COMMUNITY A BETTER PLACE Making My Community a Better Place Institution Affiliation Date 1 MAKING MY COMMUNITY A BETTER PLACE 2 There are a couple of activities that I have engaged in that I am confident were intended to make my community a better place. My visit to Shanghai metro station was, however, one of my memorable moments. I have read about the numerous activities that take part in metro stations around the world. The buying and booking of tickets, the boarding of trains, shopping and other bookings among other activities take part in metro stations. Life quite literally moves fast in metro stations as people strive to make ends meet. There are millions of people who are in metro stations in a day. People from all walks of life, different ages and different races make use of this infrastructure for one reason or another. The fact that the human resou ...
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