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20171010145656genetics Quiz

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Running Head: GENETICS 1
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1. Complete the questions below. Be sure to read the entire question. This should be your
worknot someone else's.
In gerbils, the spotted pattern is dominant over non-spotted pattern. If a spotted male gerbil who
is heterozygous is crossed with a non-spotted female gerbil, will any of their offspring have
spots? If so, what percent? [Square = 2 pts, % = 1 pt]
Spotted pattern causes the markings on the gerbil to be white. The gene is written as Sp.
On the other hand, a gerbil that is non-spotted will be represented by ++. Sp is dominant
implying that it requires just one gene Sp to make the gerbil spotted. Therefore, the offspring will
have spots. The percentage will be 50%. Half of the offspring are spotted while the other half are

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Running Head: GENETICS 1 Genetics Student’s Name Institution’s Name GENETICS 2 Genetics 1. Complete the questions below. Be sure to read the entire question. This should be your work—not someone else's. In gerbils, the spotted pattern is dominant over non-spotted pattern. If a spotted male gerbil who is heterozygous is crossed with a non-spotted female gerbil, will any of their offspring have spots? If so, what percent? [Square = 2 pts, % = 1 pt] Solution Spotted pattern causes the markings on the gerbil to be white. The gene is written as Sp. On the other hand, a gerbil that is non-spotted will be represented by ++. Sp is dominant implying that it requires just one gene Sp to make the gerbil spotted. Therefore, the offspring will have spots. The percentage will be 50%. Half of the offspring are spotted while the other half are non-spotted. Sp + + Sp+ ++ + Sp+ ++ GENETICS 3 2. In humans, hemophilia is a sex-linked trait carried on the X chromosome. A man with hemophilia marries a woman without hemophilia. Could any of their children have the disorder? [Hint: This will require TWO Punnett squares; Squares = 4 pts, Percent Chances = 2 pts] Hemophilia is linked to sex implying that the X chromosome carries it. A son gets the X chromosome from his mother while he receives the Y chromosome from the father. This implies that the sons would not have the trait. However, all the daughters will have it. The probability of having a girl or a boy: 50%. This implies ...
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