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Running head: HUMANITY 1
Institution Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Students Name
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Humanity refers to the study of how people process events that they undergo depending
different circumstances and environmental location. Humanity, therefore, explains how this
information is stored in the human know-how orexperience. The information of these records of
human experience gives us the chance to feel a feeling of association with the individuals who
have preceded us, and add to our peers
Vocabularies Used To Describe Humanities
1. Painting
This is a term used to describe the exercise of smearing or applying color or pigment
suspended in a carrier medium as well as a binding agent (glue) to a different surfaces such as
wall, drawings as well as papers. Colors used have diverse meanings. For example ‘Black’ is
used to express mourning, white can symbolize peace while others like red indicate danger.
There those that appear more appealing green color symbolizes an environment is conducive.
2. Dance
This is a word that expresses the human movement in a social, spiritual or performance
setting. Where individuals enjoy themselves and which creates a jovial environment. Dancing
brings diverse cultural individuals together. It is used to describe nonverbal communication
between animals and humans and motion in an inanimate object.
3. Philosophy
Philosophy refers to the study of various problems regarding different issues or matters such
as way of life (existence), justice, knowledge, truth, right, wrong etc. Widely applied to provide a
reasonable argument, refers to the issues of conflicts, mentoring, advising, making of law, the
teaching of law students and running of governments.

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Running head: HUMANITY 1 Humanity Institution Affiliation Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date HUMANITY 2 Humanity Humanity refers to the study of how people process events that they undergo depending different circumstances and environmental location. Humanity, therefore, explains how this information is stored in the human know-how orexperience. The information of these records of human experience gives us the chance to feel a feeling of association with the individuals who have preceded us, and add to our peers Vocabularies Used To Describe Humanities 1. Painting This is a term used to describe the exercise of smearing or applying color or pigment suspended in a carrier medium as well as a binding agent (glue) to a different surfaces such as wall, drawings as well as papers. Colors used have diverse meanings. For example ‘Black’ is used to express mournin ...
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