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Philosophy Work 1

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Philosophy Learning
Affiliate Institution
Instructor’s Name
Students Name
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Reflecting on my learning
Reflecting on the meaningful insights I have obtained from my study of philosophy as
a course, is the art of problem-solving skills, my ability to look at life perspectives from
different viewpoints as well as an ability to organize ideas and issues in a manner that helps
me distinguish what is essential from what is not.(Prună,2015).
Through my study when faced with a problem I can be able to critically examine it,
understand what is required and explain the required solution in an amicable manner that
leaves all parties involved in this situation more than satisfied.
This science has opened my view of life such that as at the moment I look at life from
several perspectives, ranging from; social, political, economic and traditional viewpoints
through sound reasoning and high thinking. I can construct rational arguments when
explaining various circumstances because it has given me a deep understanding of how the
world works.
Reflecting on my learning experiences and accomplishments with my fellows
Reflecting on my learning experiences with my fellow students all I can say to them is
that it has made us more well-rounded people, and I, therefore, can only encourage them to
keep going in their quest for exploring these humanities. It is just through these social
understandings that we can solve the social problems facing this postmodern era today by
understanding ourselves and others. We have also accomplished a lot together such as

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Running Head: PHILOSOPHY LEARNING 1 Philosophy Learning Affiliate Institution Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date PHILOSOPHY LEARNING 2 Reflecting on my learning Reflecting on the meaningful insights I have obtained from my study of philosophy as a course, is the art of problem-solving skills, my ability to look at life perspectives from different viewpoints as well as an ability to organize ideas and issues in a manner that helps me distinguish what is essential from what is not.(Prună,2015). Through my study when faced with a problem I can be able to critically examine it, understand what is required and explain the required solution in an amicable manner that leaves all parties involved in this situation more than satisfied. This science has opened my view of life such that as at the moment I look at life from several perspectives, ranging from; social, political, economic and traditional viewpoints through sound reasoning and high thinking. I can construct rational arguments when explaining various circumstances because it has given me a deep understanding of how the world works. Reflecting on my learning experiences and accomplishments with my fellows ...
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