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Decision Making Process Info Graphic

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Decision- Making Process Info graphic
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Decision Making Process Info graphic
The process of decision making in any enterprise entails making sound judgments and
conclusions regarding a certain difficult problem. This aspect should entail determining the
possible risks and threats that may come together with the decision, devising alternatives and
coming up with an overall solution that is long lasting. The role of decision making is allocated
to the managers in big firms and in some case to an employee's individual level.
The influence the decision-making process had on the outcome
I had been working with a low price mobile phones distributing company in California.
The business activities of this firm were based on local level and after an annual general meeting
a suggestion was made to make the distribution global. This idea could result in an economic
benefit to the firm and acquisition of a good market share in the mobile phones distribution
business. Most of the board's management suggested for a good market research and especially
in African countries which much needed low cost mobile phones. Despite these advantages,
some stakeholders and board of management members saw this act of going global as too much
of risk due to heavy taxation and inflation in most countries. Being the manager i had to come up
with a decision making process that could help tackle any risks and convince the stakeholders
and management regarding the step of globalizing our business services and products.
The process of making the decision that I took entailed six stages. The first stage
involved analyzing the problem which was whether to take the opportunity and test the success
of our firm on an international level. The second stage involved developing a strategy or solution
to this problem by providing the benefits and challenges our new venture could face. The third

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Running head: DECISION -MAKING PROCESS INFOGRAPHIC Decision- Making Process Info graphic Name: Institutional Affiliation: 1 DECISION MAKING PROCESS INFOGRAPHIC 2 Decision Making Process Info graphic Introduction The process of decision making in any enterprise entails making sound judgments and conclusions regarding a certain difficult problem. This aspect should entail determining the possible risks and threats that may come together with the decision, devising alternatives and coming up with an overall solution that is long lasting. The role of decision making is allocated to the managers in big firms and in some case to an employee's individual level. The influence the decision-making process had on the outcome I had been working with a low price mobile phones distributing company in California. The business activities of this firm were based on local level and after an annual general meeting a suggestion was made to make the distribution global. This idea could result in an economic benefit to the firm and acquisition of a good market share in the mobile phones distribution business. Most of the board's management suggested for a good market research and especially in African countries which much needed low cost mobile phones. Despite these advantages, some stakeholders and board of management members saw this act of going global as too much of risk due to heavy taxation and inflation in most countries. Being the manager i had to come up with a decision making proce ...
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