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Comparison Of Theories

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Comparison of Theories

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Comparison of Theories
There are numerous theories that have been created by different people and each theory
finds a way of stating and elaborating facts that tend to be true. These theories are applied in real
life to determine the causes, reasons or results of certain issues behaviors and characters.
One of these theories is the social identity theory that was created by Henri Tajfel. The
theory examines and explains how categorizing people into out groups or in groups can affect the
attitudes, perceptions, and behavior (Hogg, 2016). This theory also applies to oneself. The
understanding of the facts laid in this theory has made me rethink on the reason why a sense of
belonging is good. It is true to state that people belonging to royal families have their own way of
life and doing things. A teenager from a royal family will dress in the fanciest clothes and also
dines in the most luxurious hotels, unlike someone who is from a middle-class social life. In
addition, people are also classified into groups based on their religion. One religion has a unique
way of doing things and has practices that differ from those of another religion.
Another theory that explains a certain behavior is the social penetration theory which was
created by Dalmas Taylor and Irwin Altman. The theory explains how communication grows and
widens and a relationship between persons grow (Carpenter, 2016). There are mainly several
stages which include relatively shallow, non-intimate and intimate ones. According to my view
about relationships and the facts entailed in this theory, it is so evident that the same happens.
Having known a person for the first time, it is so rare that people talk much and if one does so, it
will be about the general issues of life like school or work life or even politics. This gradually
changes time after time as the two get to know each other. This is so evident even in my personal
life. Most of my closest friends today were once strangers to me; maybe we only said hi and shared

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Running head: COMPARISON OF THEORIES Comparison of Theories Name: Institution: 1 COMPARISON OF THEORIES 2 Comparison of Theories There are numerous theories that have been created by different people and each theory finds a way of stating and elaborating facts that tend to be true. These theories are applied in real life to determine the causes, reasons or results of certain issues behaviors and characters. One of these theories is the social identity theory that was created by Henri Tajfel. The theory examines and explains how categorizing people into out groups or in groups can affect the attitudes, perceptions, and behavior (Hogg, 2016). This theory also applies to oneself. The understanding of the facts laid in this theory has made me rethink on the reason why a sense of belonging is good. It is true to state that people belonging to royal families have their own way of life and doing things. A teenager from a royal family will dress in the fanciest clothes and also dines in the most luxurious hotels, unlike someone who is from a middle-class social life. In addition, people are also classified into groups based on their religion. One religion has a unique way of doing th ...
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