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Hofsede S Analysis

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Virginia Tech University Falls Church
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Hofstede Insights enables us solve Intercultural Organizational challenges by using our effective
proven framework based on Hofstede’s works and persspective.
Power distance
It deals with the idea that individuals in a country are not equal it shows the attitude towards
the inequalities in that country. Power Distance can be defined as the degree to which less
powerful individuals within a country accept and expect that power is unequally distributed.
Saudi Arabia has high scores in this dimension. The dimension shows a count of 95 which means
people accept hierarchical order where everybody has a place without further justification.
Hierarchy in is seen to reflect inherent inequalities, subordinates expect order on how to go and
the leaders are benevolent autocrats.
Individualism vs. collectivism
The main issue addressed in this dimensions is the extent of interdependence maintained in the
society among its members. The people´s self-image can be defined as “I” or “We”. In
Individualist societies people look after themselves only and their close families. On the other
hand, collectivism advocates for people to care about others. Collectivist societies have people
belonging to groups which care for them and they are loyal to them.
This dimension (individualism) has a score of 25 in Saudi Arabia and the kingdom is therefore
considered to be a collectivistic society. The close long-term commitment to her member
group’, family, extended family, extended relationships confirms this reality.
Masculinity vs. femininity

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Saudi Arabia has a masculinityscores of 60 in this dimension and thus it is a Masculine society.
A high Masculine score on this dimension indicates that the Saudi Arabia is driven by
competition and need for achievement and success. Success is defined by the best in field. This
value system starts in school throughout organisational life.
Femininity has a low score on the dimension and this means the dominant values are caring for
others and quality of life. A Feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success
and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates
people, wanting to be the best (Masculine) or liking what you do (Feminine).
Uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty Avoidance refers to the the way a society deals with fact that they can never know
the future. This determines whether they try and control it or just let it just happen? This brings
anxiety and different countries have learnt how to deal with the anxiety differently. The degree to
which the country feel threatened by unknown events and have created institutions to try and
avoid it in future is reflected by the score of Uncertainty Avoidance.
Saudi Arabia has a score of 80 on this dimension. It indicates preference in avoiding uncertainty.
Countries with high Uncertainty Avoidance have rigid codes in belief and behavior.
Indulgence vs. restraint
One challenge which confronts humanity is the extent to which children are socialized. With no
socialization we are not human. This is the degree to which people control their desires or
impulses, from the way they were brought up. Weak control is known as Indulgence whereas
strong control is known as Restraint.

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Hofstede Insights enables us solve Intercultural Organizational challenges by using our effective proven framework based on Hofstede’s works and persspective. Power distance It deals with the idea that individuals in a country are not equal – it shows the attitude towards the inequalities in that country. Power Distance can be defined as the degree to which less powerful individuals within a country accept and expect that power is unequally distributed. Saudi Arabia has high scores in this dimension. The dimension shows a count of 95 which means people accept hierarchical order where everybody has a place without further justification. Hierarchy in is seen to reflect inherent inequalities, subordinates expect order on how to go and the leaders are benevolent autocrats. Individualism vs. collectivism The main issue addressed in this dimensions is the extent of interdependence maintain ...
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