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Flash Mob

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Question One
Flash ob refers to a group of people organized through emails or other forms of media
that flood a place, thing, or site all at the same time then begin to disperse. A flash mob requires
a large group of people, and ultimately the media for mobilization. A flash mob is comprised of a
large group of people mobilized via emails that roam a location and disperse as quickly as they
had assembled. The people must be summoned by email or any other form of media
communication to arrive at a given destination at a given time. The mobbing people often
commit unusual act after arriving at the given destination. The crowd disperses as quickly as it
had assembled after getting to the designated site and completing the given task. The flash mob
also creates a buzz in the media.
Question Two
Maru the cat is one of the most popular YouTube memes. The meme gained so much
popularity across the world and currently a book was written about Maru the cat that contains
photos of Maru and is among Amazon’s most sold books.
Wasik uses “meme” to define something that “spreads” at a very fast rate across cultures
and people become intrigued by the thing. He further defines it as an idea from any area
including politics or new style that can be perceived as an independent agent released into the
population that moves from one mind to another, burrowing into each mind, and colonizing them
as ruthlessly as possible. A meme is primarily like a trend that becomes popular among people
such that everyone will want to have and own it. A meme spreads independently and gains so

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SURNAME 1 Student Name: Date: Question One Flash ob refers to a group of people organized through emails or other forms of media that flood a place, thing, or site all at the same time then begin to disperse. A flash mob requires a large group of people, and ultimately the media for mobilization. A flash mob is comprised of a large group of people mobilized via emails that roam a location and disperse as quickly as they had assembled. The people must be summoned by email or any other form of media communication to arrive at a given destination at a given time. The mobbing people often commit u ...
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