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Daca Policy Brief

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Policy Brief on DACA Program
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This policy brief will present the overarching sides or principles that relate to the DACA
program as it relates to immigrants. For supporters of the DACA program, they illustrate the
tangible benefits of the program since it was initiated back in 2012. The program does bring not
only economic benefits but also social benefits which contribute to the positive growth of the
American society. Trump in his campaign for the presidency he promised he would end the
DACA program because it represents the state's lack of control over its security through
uncontrolled immigration something his administration would fix once they assumed office. For
those against DACA program, they try to demonstrate that unchecked immigration can be a
national threat when it comes to identity. Given this perception, the immigration problem is a
hard problem to solve, but it is not impossible to solve. There have been contradictions on how
the end of the DACA program will help in solving the security issue in its entirety. The issue of
immigration should not be viewed in a small window, but it should be evaluated into constituent
bits which can access the effectiveness of DACA program in the American society. The policy
recommendation is that a vetting process should be put in place that will eliminate immigrants
who are a security threat and the DACA program should not be ruled out on the single issue of
security. It is diversity that adds value to the American society and discrimination should not be
used to define the American society.
The Question
Immigration has been a recurrent problem in U.S and DACA program has been seen as a
temporal solution to the problem. In light of this, the one question that will be considered in this
Policy brief is: what is the role of immigrants in the U.S on a long-term basis?

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Running head: POLICY BRIEF ON DACA PROGRAM Policy Brief on DACA Program Name Institutional affiliation 1 POLICY BRIEF ON DACA PROGRAM Summary This policy brief will present the overarching sides or principles that relate to the DACA program as it relates to immigrants. For supporters of the DACA program, they illustrate the tangible benefits of the program since it was initiated back in 2012. The program does bring not only economic benefits but also social benefits which contribute to the positive growth of the American society. Trump in his campaign for the presidency he promised he would end the DACA program because it represents the state's lack of control over its security through uncontrolled immigration something his administration would fix once they assumed office. For those against DACA program, they try to demonstrate that unchecked immigration can be a national threat when it comes to identity. Given this perception, the immigration problem is a hard problem to solve, but it is not impossible to solve. There have been contradictions on how the end of the DACA program will help in solving the security issue in its entirety. The issue of immigration should not be viewed in a small window, but it should be evaluated into constituent bits which can access the effectiveness of DACA program in the American society. The policy recommendation is that a vetting process should be put in place that will eliminate immigrants who are a security threat and the DACA program ...
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