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K’na: The Dreamweaver
K’na: The dreamweaver is a movie coming from the T’boli tribe of the southern part of
the Philippines particularly in the South Cotabato. It is a story of a young princess who was
choosen by the Gods to continue their weaving culture. K’na, the princess of the tribe was being
thought by the ancients of the T’boli on how to weave for the princess to continue its living
creature, the weaving but was tested by the time to choose on what she wants. To continue
the weaving culture if their tribe or to continue loving the person whom she in love with. She
needs to give up one and that is her love and feelings for a man to stand for their culture. The
movie was entitled or called as the dreamweaver because as they weave in their tribe the
pattern they followed will be in accordance to their dreams and imaginations. The art found in
the story is the textile art of the tribe. The T’boli people uses plants of abaca in creating a fibers
that will be use in constructing their dressess as symbols and as art of their tribe. The movie
revolves in showing the breathtaking sceneries particularly the lake sebo and its cool green
sorroundings. It is a showcasing of the practices, cultures and traditions of T’boli people into
the world through presenting it in cinema. The practices and rituals of the tribe can be seen in
the different scenes of the movie as well as its cultures and traditions.
The importants scene of the movie is how they lived in everyday life. It’s far different
from we had witnessed and exested sorrounding today. They are still managed to the
traditional activities and things. Almost every scene of the movie is very important for it shows
their culture, traditions and practices especially those things when someone will die, they still
used and practiced ancient times way of burial. The scene that I really want is the way of
courtship in their tribe. It is very unique and I think can only be seen in their tribe. Through the
use and tying the knot of abaca fibers in the trees, the man then can express their emotion and
feeling to a girl unlike these generation who does far the same. Some of my observations in the
film is that from the first until the ending they wear their tribal dress and also they really use
their own dialect through out the whole duration of movie. It shows how they are proud of their
dialect and their cultures are. I was empressed how the T’boli people continue to preserve their
wealth besides the different advancement and modernization happened in their
neighboorhood.The movie is not just showcasing the culture, practices and traditions of T’boli

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K’na: The Dreamweaver K’na: The dreamweaver is a movie coming from the T’boli tribe of the southern part of the Philippines particularly in the South Cotabato. It is a story of a young princess who was choosen by the Gods to continue their weaving culture. K’na, the princess of the tribe was being thought by the ancients of the T’boli on how to weave for the princess to continue its living creature, the weaving but was tested by the time to choose on what she wants. To continue the weaving culture if their tribe or to continue loving the person whom she in love with. She needs to gi ...
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