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Scrum Meeting

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Question 1
Stand-up meetings
These are daily meetings organized by a team meant to present status of a project
progress to all members. It is at this meeting that all problems are aired, and solutions sought to
ensure that there is no time wastage in project implementation. They are informal meetings in
projects which entail fast execution such as scrum. However, they can be applicable in any other
project approaches (Gloger, 2017).
The phrase stand-up arose from the tradition of standing while carrying out the meeting.
Standing up is necessary as it ensures that central issues in the meeting are handled hence
keeping the meeting very brief. These meeting often last for a quarter an hour and the
participants’ only concentrate on significant matters hence avoiding long engagements. The
standing practice also ensures that all attendees are keen (Gloger, 2017). The meeting takes place
at the same venue at the start of each day of work. All stakeholders are required to be present.
Usually a meeting cannot be suspended because of absenteeism from some participants. The
primary objective of the meeting is to unearth problems early before they evolve into significant
challenges. All members of the team need to respond to the following issues: the

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accomplishments of the previous day, the goals of the new day and the issues which need
Question 2
Sprint review meeting
These meetings are held to evaluate what has been achieved at the end of a sprint. During
the sprint, more features should have been developed in a product which needs shipment. In
other words, a team should have developed working software ready for consumption or use in
the market. In simple terms, it is a gathering to demonstrate new features added to the software
(McKenna, 2016).
Sprint review meetings are informal, with regulations prohibiting the use of PowerPoint
presentations. Further, preparations for the meeting should last less than two hours. These
meetings are designed in a way that it should not interfere with the normal operations of a group
but should come naturally whenever necessary (McKenna, 2016).
The players in the conference include the innovator, all members of the Scrum team, and
innovators from other teams, customers, the management, and Scrum Master. While examining
the sprint, the project is evaluated against the standards set at the planning stage of the sprint
meeting. Typically, the team finishes all product specifications presented to the sprint. However,
it is more crucial that the team realizes the overall goal set for each sprint. Thus sprint evaluation
meetings occur at the end of every sprint and do not follow any formal procedures (McKenna,

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1 Surname Student’s name Course Professor’s name Date Question 1 Stand-up meetings These are daily meetings organized by a team meant to present status of a project progress to all members. It is at this meeting that all problems are aired, and solutions sought to ensure that there is no time wastage in project implementation. They are informal meetings in projects which entail fast execution such as scrum. However, they can be applicable in any other project approaches (Gloger, 2017). The phrase stand-up arose from the tradition of standing while carrying out the meeting. Standing up is necessary as it ensures that central issues in the meeting are handled hence keeping the meeting very brief. These meeting often last for a quarter an hour and the participants’ only concentrate on significant matters hence avoiding long engagements. The standing practice also ensures that all attendees are keen (Gloger, 2017). The meeting takes place at the same venue at the start of each day of work. All stakeholders are required to be present. Usually a meeting cannot be suspended because of absenteeism from some participants. The primary objective of the meeting is to unearth problems early before they evolve into significant challenges. All members of the team need to respond to the following issues: the 2 Surname accomplishments of the previous day, the goals of the new day and the issues which need solutions. Question 2 Sprint review meeting These meetings are held to evaluat ...
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