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The Mona Lisa

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Leonardo da Vinci was born 561 years ago and up to this day his works still to be appreciated by
many all over the world. Born in 1452 and lived doing great work until his death in 1519.
Leonardo da Vinci is considered as one of the greatest of all time. Some of his greatest work
include; Mona Lisa painting, the last supper, Vitruvian man, lady with an ermine and self-
portrait in red chalk among many others.
Many of his work remain fascinating but the Mona Lisa painting remains one that stands out. It
is said that the woman on the portrait was wife to Francesco del go condo a Florentine citizen.
The painting remains a mystery with some people being of the thought that the woman’s smile
could suggest she was hiding something. While others say the woman’s smile is a sad one. We
may never know what Lisa Gherardini, wife to Francesco Del Go condo was smiling about in the
portrait. Whether she had a secret or not only remains a mystery. The portrait is actually
considered the first modern painting for the reason that it poses a question concerning the
psychology of the woman on the portrait.
It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci lacked a father figure in his early life which may have led
to him being curious and obsessed with looks. The little libido tuned to sexuality was
homosexually aimed. Most of his students were handsome boys chosen for appearance rather
than talent (Freud s, 1947). This is why Mona Lisa and a number of his pictures reflected more
with the mother figure with whom he identified. The Mona Lisa painting was stolen in 1911 but
recovered from an employee of the Louvre museum after 2 years (L Da Vinci, 2008).

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STUDENTS NAME: COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: PROFESSOR: INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION: THE MONA LISA. Leonardo da Vinci was born 561 years ago and up to this day his works still to be appreciated by many all over the world. Born in 1452 and lived doing great work until his death in 1519. Leonardo da Vinci is considered as one of the greatest of all time. Some of his greatest work include; Mona Lisa painting, the last supper, Vitruvian man, lady with an ermine and selfportrait in red chalk among many others. Many of his work remain fascinating but the Mona Lisa painting remains one that stands out. It is said that the woman on the portrait was wife to Francesco del go condo a Florentine citizen. The painting remains a mystery with some people being of the thought that the woman’s smile could suggest she was hiding something. While others say the woman’s smile is a sad one. We may never kno ...
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