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Informatic Initiatives

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Informatics Initiatives
Informatics is the science that is behind the processing of data for the reason of storage
and retrieval. There are various strategies that nurses can use to the facilitation and change
during the initiatives of informatics. Nurses can use this kind of strategies in the change and
facilitation of the informative initiatives. For an example, nurses can apply the distribute
responsibility strategy in their leadership skills. This will help them gain much experience
through practice which requires a fair amount of autonomy. This will empower all the people in
the health organization and this will allow all levels in the health sector to make decisions. This
gives strategic leaders a chance to see what will happen in case a risk is taken, and this will
increase the adaptability, resilience, and intelligence of the organization over a period of time,
through this, an impact will be seen in the informatics initiatives (Szydlowski & Smith, 2009).
Though the nurses being open and honest about the information and also the sharing of
the information about the nature of the organization. This will be an assurance of transparency in
the organization. They can also create a number of ways in testing and raise ideas. This will help
them connect a lot of ideas in the organization and as a result, an increase in the value of the
organization, this will also bring change and bring informatics initiatives in the organization.

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Nurses should also be able to strategies that are different from the ones they have. This will give
the leaders to work with their colleagues in the organization, this will help the organization to
open up more ways and come up with new and different ideas and this will facilitate change in
the in the healthcare organizations during the informatics initiatives (Nickitas & Kerfoot, 2010).
There are factors that contribute to the challenges that are mostly experienced during the
implementation of informatics. One of his factors is the change of management in the
organization. This is mostly about the individuals in the organization. This contributes to
challenges in the sense that, if the previous manager or a head of a department has retired,
resigned or transferred to another organization, it becomes difficult for the newly employed
worker to coup up with the things that were left behind. This becomes a challenge, this is
because even the strategy the previous manager was using in the process of the implementation
of the informatics will be different from the one who will be newly employed. It will be time-
consuming due to the time that the newly employed manager will take to understand the
organizational culture (Clement-OBrien, Polit & Fitzpatrick, 2011).
On the other hand, nurses also can use the ANCC components to deal with such
situations. Such components are standard and professional exercise, new knowledge innovations,
structural empowerment, improvements and transformational management. This will help any
new management with the capacity of dealing with the previous mistakes and making
improvements on them, this will also enhance the capacity of sharing information in the
organization which will lead to the creation of new ideas hence more innovations and
transformational of the organization. This also makes it easier when it comes to the adoption of
the organizational culture (Saba & McCormick, 2015).

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Insert sername1 Professor’s name Student’s name Course title Date Informatics Initiatives Informatics is the science that is behind the processing of data for the reason of storage and retrieval. There are various strategies that nurses can use to the facilitation and change during the initiatives of informatics. Nurses can use this kind of strategies in the change and facilitation of the informative initiatives. For an example, nurses can apply the distribute responsibility strategy in their leadership skills. This will help them gain much experience through practice which requires a fair amount of autonomy. This will empower all the people in the health organization and this will allow all levels in the health sector to make decisions. This gives strategic leaders a chance to see what will happen in case a risk is taken, and this will increase the adaptability, resilience, and int ...
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