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Job Analysis

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Job Analysis
Institutional Affiliation

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Job Analysis
Job analysis ensures the recruitment, determination of salary ranges and grades as well as
the creation of employee job goals and objectives. The job analysis can also be used for issues
related to career planning as well as meeting the legal requirements for compliance. Written job
descriptions reflect the employee current job and opportunities. Employees are expected to audit
their job descriptions, and this will affect the mission and structure of the organization
(Ehrenberg & Smith, 2016).Auditing and creating job descriptions will ensure the conduction of
a job analysis. Job evaluation is an essential concept of job analysis, and this will provide a
thorough understanding of essential functions of the job. A job analysis will involve a complete
knowledge of the employees, and this is not an easy task.
It comprises of determining which tasks employees are expected to perform. The
perception of the observer will influence direct observation, and it will rely on a reliable
collection of information. The Human Resource department will use a job analysis output to
develop a job description as well as job specifications. The job description will summarize and
organize the information for the organization’s job-related actions (Spector, 1997).It will include
specifications which are combined and compartmentalized to ensure independent updating. The
job analysis will consist of establishing similarities as well as differences in job content, and this
will help determine the internal equity as well as the relative worth of similar jobs. Job analysis
is often used as the basis for developing employment assessments, and these are used to measure
critical tasks within the organization.
The process of job evaluation will include the use of a job evaluation approach or method
to evaluate jobs. The job evaluation committee is responsible for conducting assessments, and
this comprises of senior employees within the organization. It will include a close cooperation

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Running head: JOB ANALYSIS 1 Job Analysis Name Institutional Affiliation 2 JOB ANALYSIS Job Analysis Job analysis ensures the recruitment, determination of salary ranges and grades as well as the creation of employee job goals and objectives. The job analysis can also be used for issues related to career planning as well as meeting the legal requirements for compliance. Written job descriptions reflect the employee current job and opportunities. Employees are expected to audit their job descriptions, and this will affect the mission and structure of the organization (Ehrenberg & Smith, 2016).Auditing and creating job descriptions will ensure the conduction of a job analysis. Job evaluation is an essential concept of job analysis, and this will provide a thorough understanding of essential functions of the job. A job analysis will involve a complete knowledge of the employees, and this is not an easy task. It comprises of determining which tasks employees are expected to perform. The perception of the observer will influence direct observation, and it will rely on a reliable collection of information. The Human Resource department will use a job analysis output to develop a job ...
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