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Recruitment Law

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Running Head: EMPLOYMENT LAW 1
Recruitment Law
Students Name
Institution of Affiliation

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Specific issues in employment law that should be of concern to hiring managers
As one of the major functions of human resource management, recruitment is done with
an aim to get the best and most skilled employees to facilitate performance in an organization.
However, there are legal provisions that have to be followed as required by the law that ought to
guide hiring managers just as the case of SaharaOasis. These laws are provided for by the
Employment Laws of the United States of America and address specific issues that ought to be
met by both employers and employees (Vincent, 2017).
Therefore, key issues of concern that hiring managers need to focus on include; measures
to ensure job discrimination does not happen to employees in terms of hiring, pay or firing on the
basis of religion, sex, nationality, race or sex. Matters regarding overtime and minimum wage
whereby employers are supposed to pay overtime when applicable and above the minimum wage
(Ralph, 2014). Attention has to be given to the provisions of family, and medical leave as
employees are protected under the law.
Also, age and disability discrimination have to be avoided by the hiring managers as
provided by Age Discriminations in Employment Act and Americans with Disabilities Act
respectively when hiring, pay, firing or giving promotions and benefits to employees. Moreover,
the issues relating to workplace safety, gender pay differences and immigration need to be
addressed by the hiring managers with detailed descriptions of each and what the organization
advocates for in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Equal Pay Act and
Immigration Reform and Control Act as provided by Employment laws (Katherine , 2017)

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Running Head: EMPLOYMENT LAW 1 Recruitment Law Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation Course Date EMPLOYMENT LAW 2 Specific issues in employment law that should be of concern to hiring managers As one of the major functions of human resource management, recruitment is done with an aim to get the best and most skilled employees to facilitate performance in an organization. However, there are legal provisions that have to be followed as required by the law that ought to guide hiring managers just as the case of SaharaOasis. These laws are provided for by the Employment Laws of the United States of America and address specific issues that ought to be met by both employers and employees (Vincent, 2017). Therefore, key issues of concern that hiring managers need to focus on include; measures to ensure job discrimination does not happen to employees in terms of hiring, pay or firing on the basis of religion, sex, nationality, race or sex. Matters regarding overtime and minimum wage whereby employers are supposed to pay overtime when applicable and above the minimum wage (Ralph, 2014). Attention has to be given to the provisions of family, and medical leave as employees are pro ...
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