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Sacramento Site Vlan

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Running Head: Sacramento Site VLAN
Sacramento site wants a VLAN database implemented on their switches. In order to achieve
this, we need to implement a Routing on a Stick (ROS), DHCP, and port security. Its address
range is /26. The site has one Cisco 2811 router that interconnects all the serial based
WAN links. A VLAN with 34 devices attached will be connected to switch 2, 7 devices will
be attached to the Server VLAN, and 14 other devices will be attached to the Administrative
VLAN. These will result to a total of 60 devices connected to four VLAN’s. On the other hand,
configurations of Los Angeles site devices will include switches remote management, ACL
implementation, remote storage, and an NTP solution. In this case, the addressing range of
Sacramento site is /26. The site has a Cisco 2811 router attached to a Cisco 2960
switches with 24-ports. The second switch will be connected to 206 devices through the server,
instructional, administrative and faculty VLANs. Each VLAN will have some devices attached
as follows; 120 devices attached to the Instructional VLAN, 21 devices for the server VLAN,
44 devices to the administrative VLAN, and 21 devices to the faculty VLAN.
TFTP/SFTP/NTP server will also be added and given an IP address of
The xACME network requires us to implement a WAN, device authentication, and topology
suggestions. Since our main interest is site entry routers, we will only concentrate on
Worchester Router, Boston Site Router 1, Springfied Router, Log Angeles Router, and
Sacramento Router.
The task requires us to first build a VLAN database for Sacramento site. It is accomplished on
Sacramento Sw2. Though the configuration of VLANs is a simple process, it has 2-step
process. We will need four VLAN ID’s labelled as 10, 20, 30 and 40 since there are four
VLAN’s to be configured. The naming criteria makes it easier to identify during
troubleshooting processes. It is always advisable to practice to name every device in a network.

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Sacramento Site VLAN
Configuration steps are shown below:
SacramentoSw2# en
Sacramento Sw2# conf t
!--- Enter configuration commands, line by line. End with CNTL/Z.
SacramentoSw2(config)# vlan 10
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# name FacultyVLAN
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# ip address
SacramentoSw2(config)# vlan 20
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# name AdministrativeVLAN
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# ip address
SacramentoSw2(config)# vlan 30
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# name InstructionalVLAN
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# ip address
SacramentoSw2(config)# vlan 40
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# name ServerVLAN
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# ip address
SacramentoSw2(config-vlan)# exit
SacramentoSw2(config)# int fa0/1
SacramentoSw2(config-if)# switchport access vlan 10
SacramentoSw2(config)# int fa0/2
SacramentoSw2(config-if)# switchport access vlan 20
SacramentoSw2(config)# int fa0/3
SacramentoSw2(config-if)# switchport access vlan 30
SacramentoSw2(config)# int fa0/4
SacramentoSw2(config-if)# switchport access vlan 40
SacramentoSw2(config-if)# end
SacramentoSw2# copy run start
>>>Configuring VLAN’s on Sacramento SW2 [1]
We need first to explore the available modes before deciding on what switchport mode will
be used. There are two port configurations for the Ethernet interface i.e. the first is access
ports and the second one is trunk ports. The switch port mode access forces a port to be an
access port that only allows voice configured VLAN, no VLAN tagging is allowed. They also
handles traffics coming from VLANs that are assigned to the port [1]. They belong to a single
VLAN and cannot be used to identify the marks of frames transmitted between switches.
Generally, ports are configured on interfaces between two routers or switches, this is because
trunk links are used in transmission of VLAN information from one switch to the other [2].
Configurations for switch port access:
SacramentoSw2# en
SacramentoSw2# conf t
!--- Enter configuration commands, line by line. End with CNTL/Z.
SacramentoSw2(config)# int fa0/1
SacramentoSw2(config-if)# switchport mode access

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Running Head: Sacramento Site VLAN SITE DETAILS Sacramento site wants a VLAN database implemented on their switches. In order to achieve this, we need to implement a Routing on a Stick (ROS), DHCP, and port security. Its address range is /26. The site has one Cisco 2811 router that interconnects all the serial based WAN links. A VLAN with 34 devices attached will be connected to switch 2, 7 devices will be attached to the Server VLAN, and 14 other devices will be attached to the Administrative VLAN. These will result to a total of 60 devices connected to four VLAN’s. On the other hand, configurations of Los Angeles site devices will include switches remote management, ACL implementation, remote storage, and an NTP solution. In this case, the addressing range of Sacramento site is /26. The site has a Cisco 2811 router attached to a Cisco 2960 switches with 24-ports. The second switch will be connected to 206 devices through the server, instructional, administrative and faculty VLANs. Each VLAN will have some devices attached as follows; 120 devices attached to the Instructional VLAN, 21 devices for the server VLAN, 44 devices to the administrative VLAN, and 21 devices to the faculty VLAN. TFTP/SFTP/NTP server will also be added and given an IP address of The xACME network requires us to implement a WAN, device authentication, and topology suggestions. Since our main interest is site entry routers, we will only concentrate on Worchester Rou ...
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