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Assignment 10.10.17 1 2 1

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1. (a) Define urbanization.
Urbanization is a process whereby populations move from rural to urban area, enabling
cities and towns to grow. It can also be termed as the progressive increase of the number
of people living in towns and cities. (b) Describe the process of urbanization and
illustrate the process with drawings as explained in class
(c ) Describe two major causes of urbanization
Industrialization is a trend representing a shift from the old agricultural economics to
novel non-agricultural economy, which creates a modernized society. Through industrial
revolution, more people have been attracted to move from rural to urban areas on the
account of improved employment opportunities. Industrialization has increased
employment opportunities by giving people the chance to work in modern sectors in job
categories that aids to stir economic developments.
Commerce and trade play a major role in urbanization. The distribution of goods and
services and commercial transactions in the modern era has developed modern marketing
institutions and exchange methods that have tremendously given rise to the growth of
towns and cities. Commercialization and trade comes with the general perception that the
towns and cities offer better commercial opportunities and returns compared to the rural
2. (a) Transportation has facilitated the growth and development of cities. List
ten(10)factors that helped transportation for the growth of cities.
Growth in technology
Political involvement
Population growth
Population settlement

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Land use patterns favoring different modes
Economy growth
Availability of needed materials
History of different transportation modes
(b) Explain two(2) of the factors
Political involvement
Political motives for transport facilities led to financial cotribution in the sector thus
improving working conditions, leading to growth.
Population growth
Increase in the number of people led to more people working in the transport sector and
more people requiring transport service.As distribution of the service grew to match the
increasing population's needs,growth in transportation increased.
3. (a)How many travelling classifications do we have that covers ALL modes of travel?
(b) Identify these major classifications.
(c ) Describe one of the classifications.
Water transport is the process of transport that a watercraft such as a boat,ship,sailboat,etc,makes
over a body of water,such as a sea,ocean,lake,Canals etc

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1. (a) Define urbanization. Urbanization is a process whereby populations move from rural to urban area, enabling cities and towns to grow. It can also be termed as the progressive increase of the number of people living in towns and cities. (b) Describe the process of urbanization and illustrate the process with drawings as explained in class (c ) Describe two major causes of urbanization Industrialization Industrialization is a trend representing a shift from the old agricultural economics to novel non-agricultural economy, which creates a modernized society. Through industrial revolution, more people have been attracted to move from rural to urban areas on the account of improved employment opportunities. Industrialization has increased employment opportunities by giving people the chance to work in modern sectors in job categories that aids to stir economic developments. Commercialization Commerce and trade play a major role in urbanization. The distribution of goods and services and commercial transactions in the modern era has developed modern marketing institutions and exchange methods that have tremendously given rise to the growth of towns and cities. Commercialization and trade comes with the general perception that the towns and cities offer better commercial opportunities and returns compared to the rural areas. 2. (a) Transportation has facilitated the growth and development of cities. List ten(10)factors that helped transportation for the growth of cities. Growt ...
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