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American Literature

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1. Language and bilingualism is an issue for Latino communities and writers in the United
States; debates rage about value of voice and the legal status of languages. Bilingualism
is treated in a vary funny way by the fallowing writer.
Josefina Baez
2. A number of Latinos writers deal with images of Latinos/as to analyze and explore the
role of stereotypes. We can find examples in the reading.
The Account
3. Nuyorican poetic discourse is based on
Assimilation discourse
They met with other writers, artists and community people in order to criticize, condemn
and denounce social and political injustice. Their language is quite strong and lacks any
kind of lyrical qualities; it is the street language of blacks and Puerto Ricans in El Barrio.
Such a stylistic choice implies a resistance to Americanization, and an expression of dignity
and pride in the puertorriqueño's heritage.
When a Latino poem contains keyboards in Spanish that functions as indices of specific Latino
realities or cultural traditions such as barrio, Miami, Borinkena, for example, the poem
does not pressupose a bilingual readership
Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood (1991) and in
The Latin Deli (1993,) two collections of her best poems, stories and essays.
5. When a Latino poem constantly switches between languages in order to relate to his or her
bilingual constituency of readers, as some kind o secret code for those communally initiated, so
the poem.
does require a bilingual readership
6. the term Nuyorican was born
in the 1950s as a way to identify Puerto Ricans living in New York
The term "Nuyorican" was originally coined by Puerto Ricans on the island to refer to
those who settled in New York. At first, the term had negative connotations.
7. Exile, immigration, and the crossing of boundaries are experiences that can therefore provide
us with new narrative form or...with the other ways of telling. use and explain two examples
from our readings to support this statement.

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From our readings we can take one example that a person migrated from one country to
another as the same way the people in new country thinking he will do the same things and
will start thinking about the all things in a new different perspective and a different way.
Secondly, like in our today’s generation is associated with all the new gadgets and if
someone ask that person a simple question say “get a life” then that person is totally
indulged with the gadgets will answer the question what’s that?? Is that an application in
the android .This shows that the person is totally migrated from the real world to his
hypothetical world, has started thinking like the one.
8. How do you personally think people of mixed origins, billingual, bicultural people can use
their mixed cultural identity to their advantage? what are the disadvantages, if any of this
bicultural or muticultural heritage? make a list for advantages and another dor disadvantages.
We all are amphibians and channels to all of these societies at hostilities with each other,
but we know it's our job in this new era which will help passage and interpret otherwise we
all will die someday. Now as for this type of pleasure, you will definitely see yourself in
those sort of ways others might not able to see themselves but you are privy to such many
of the interpretations and perceptions. It's really quite mesmerizing.
The main disadvantage of this culture is that one cannot be fluent in two languages because
of lack of time to work on second language so we deal with this problem. We all will need
another lifetime to learn second language in which we are not so much go through.
9. Considering the different readings, you have studied during this course, what was your
favorite story and why?
My favorite story was An Interview With Tato Laviera
10. Considering the different readings, you have studied during this course, what was your
favorite author and why?
The greatest author according to me was Victor Hernandez Cruz
Unlike his Nuyorican counterparts, Tato Laviera and Miguel Algarín, he lacks referential
context to life in Puerto Rico and popular culture. His works portray Hispanic images and
symbols in the urban setting. His is the language of the urban, intellectual Latino who
cannot survive without transforming the past into the present.

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1. Language and bilingualism is an issue for Latino communities and writers in the United States; debates rage about value of voice and the legal status of languages. Bilingualism is treated in a vary funny way by the fallowing writer. Josefina Baez 2. A number of Latinos writers deal with images of Latinos/as to analyze and explore the role of stereotypes. We can find examples in the reading. • The Account 3. Nuyorican poetic discourse is based on • Assimilation discourse They met with other writers, artists and community people in order to criticize, condemn and denounce social and political injustice. Their language is quite strong and lacks any kind of lyrical qualities; it is the street language of blacks and Puerto Ricans in El Barrio. Such a stylistic choice implies a resistance to Americanization, and an expression of dignity and pride in the puertorriqueño's heritage. Wh ...
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