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The American Dream

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In the famous words of Abdul Kalam ‘Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better
tomorrow’ might best summarize the American dream in our modernized nation today. Race, class,
gender, education, and sexuality influence the American dream but perhaps an element which has not
yet been recognized to perpetuate this vision is the love parents have for their children. Perpetuation of
wealth through developed class and education are the goal of parents in our nation to see their
children overcome and rise beyond their own successes to become lawyers, doctors, and businessmen
of tomorrow. Perhaps the American dream rather is a perpetuation of goals instead of something that is
ever fully ascertained. Race, class, gender, education, and sexuality all serve to influence the American
dream intertwined. Race serves to remind us of our differences which ought to be valued. There is a vast
amount of wealth in knowledge to learn from one another and to remember the unifying principles
which bring us together a love for one’s family which is the nucleus of culture at large. Class is an
element of the American dream as well desiring to be in the upper echelon of society yet is this ever
fully ascertained? Maybe the American dream is more fleeting than we as American citizens like to
believe. Gender is the third element impacting American society. Today women are given more rights in
culture and while this world is not perfect in entirety women are shown greater respect in America
than in other nations. Education is a tremendously important facet of the American dream. Parents
encourage their children to pursue higher levels of degrees and achieve more academically than in
generations prior. With the family as the nucleus of culture it needs to be protected for it will
perpetuate America as a nation not only the American dream. Sexuality influences the American
dream as well there are many perspectives in regards to gender roles. Women have been liberated to
have the freedom to vote and many other important freedoms yet should they be expected to take on
the full role of men by working forty hours a week while raising families? All of these elements influence
the American dream yet to define the American dream requires one to understand the role of the
family as the nucleus of the nation in entirety. Without the perpetuation and love parents have for their
children the American dream would no longer exist. It is perpetuated generation to generation because
parents want their children to succeed. John Adams wrote “I must study politics and war that my sons
may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. His quote summarizes the American dream of
all loving parents that they first must ascertain a certain level of greatness so that their children may
achieve greater things. This is a working definition of the American dream in whole without the family
as the center of the nation the American dream would fail to exist. The American dream is a fleeting
vision of a better tomorrow for the next generations perpetuated by generations who have already tried
to live this.

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In the famous words of Abdul Kalam ‘Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow’ might best summarize the American dream in our modernized nation today. Race, class, gender, education, and sexuality influence the American dream – but perhaps an element which has ...
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