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Standardized Testing Essay

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Running Head: Effectiveness of standardized testing.
Effectiveness of Standardized Testing in Determining College Success.

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Running Head: Effectiveness of standardized testing.
In the modern school system, educators are experiencing mounting pressure to show their
effectiveness and the primary measure of this effectiveness is through the student performance in
standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT. In most cases, standardized tests are administered to
high school students before they join college and many universities have used the results of
standardized tests as an entry requirement. However, in the recent past, there has major debates
about the effectiveness of the standardized tests with proponents of the debate arguing that
standardized tests provide an accurate measure of student performance and teacher performance
and opponents arguing that standardized tests make educators and students to be too fixated on
scores and preparing for these exams. With this continuing debates, several studies have been
conducted to determine the effectiveness of standardized testing on college performance and most
studies seem to agree that standardized testing is not necessarily an effective measure of predicting
how well students perform in college.
Standardized testing has been criticized as having a narrow perspective of evaluating the
performance of students since they focus only on cognitive dimensions. Standardized tests are a
one-off event and they take just a few hours to complete, therefore, they do not take in to effect
the external factors in the educational journey of the student. A student may be a top performer
but due to some circumstances, the student may fail to perform well on this one single test and it
would be logically biased to judge such a student on such basis. As such, standardized tests narrow
the entire curriculum in many schools, often squeezing out those subjects which are not included
in the tests such as music, arts, foreign languages etc.” (Learning, 2014). This being the case, the
high school GPA has been fronted as the best measure of a students’ performance and also as the

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1 Running Head: Effectiveness of standardized testing. Effectiveness of Standardized Testing in Determining College Success. Name Institution Instructor Course Date 2 Running Head: Effectiveness of standardized testing. Introduction. In the modern school system, educators are experiencing mounting pressure to show their effectiveness and the primary measure of this effectiveness is through the student performance in standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT. In most cases, standardized tests are administered to high school students before they join college and many universities have used the results of standardized tests as an entry requirement. However, in the recent past, there has major debates about the effectiveness of the standardized tests with proponents of the debate arguing that standardized tests provide an accurate measure of student performance and teacher performance and opponents arguing that standardized tests make educators and students to be too fixated on scores and preparing for these exams. With this continuing debates, several studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of standardized testing on college performance and most studies seem to agree that standardized testing is not necessarily an effective measure of predicting how well students perform in college. Arguments. Standardized testing has been criticized as having a narrow perspective of evaluating the performance of students since they focus only on cognitive dimensions. Stan ...
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