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Nursing Leadership and Management essay
A conflicting situation is deemed to exist especially in situations where a new director
come in, makes changes to the department without involving the nurses who have been in the
facility for some time. These changes are likely to affect how the nurses work. This phenomenon
is an example of autocratic leadership which its end result is tension between the management
and the employees. Nurses stand at the forefront in improving care and well as managing care for
individuals and the society at large. For this reason, the theory should be involved in making
major decisions that are likely to affect the organization and mode of work.
Some of the factors that tend to lead to conflict include poor communication between the
director and the nurses, managerial expectations in a situation where they are misunderstood,
lack of accountability, and misunderstanding of information. Apart from the communicational
aspects that bring conflict, there are the behavioral aspects that bring conflict. This includes
aspects such as dogmatism and authoritarianism. Structural aspects like line-staff distinction and
size of the organization also the size of organization tend to cause conflict.
Some of the methods that I would apply in solving conflict would include the use of the
Thomas-kill man Instrument (TKI) tool, which helps in managing conflict. The tool focuses on
five styles of conflict management. The first style that can be used to solve the conflict is
avoiding. This style is an uncooperative and unassertive method when dealing with the conflict.
This might be due to threating nature of the situation or not the appropriate time to deal with the
issue. Another way of solving the conflict could be accommodating. This style entails calling for
entails talking to one of the conflicting parties to convince them to compromise their concerns
for the sake of maintaining a peaceful working environment. It can entail asking the nurses to
obey the changes made by the director for the sake of creating a work environment

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Running Head: NURSING MANAGEMENT 1 Nursing Management Name: Institutional affiliation NURSING MANAGEMENT 2 Nursing Leadership and Management essay A conflicting situation is deemed to exist especially in situations where a new director come in, makes changes to the department without involving the nurses who have been in the facility for some time. These changes are likely to affect how the nurses work. This phenomenon is an example of autocratic leadership which its end result is tension between the management and the employees. Nurses stand at the forefront in improving care and well as managing care for individuals and the society at large. For this reason, the theory should be involved in making major decisions that are likely to affect the organization and mode of work. Some of the factors that tend to lead to conflict include poor communication between the director and the nurses, managerial expectations in a situation where they are misunderstood, lack of accountability, and misunderstanding of information. Apart from the communicational aspects that bring conflict, there are the behavioral aspects that bring conflict. This includes aspects such as dogmatism and author ...
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