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Paralegal credentialing organizations
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Paralegal credentialing organizations
These are organizations that certify people that have certain skills. Other than the
National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA), they are several others. They include National
Federation of Paralegal Association (NFPA), NALS The Association for Legal Professionals,
and American Alliance of Paralegals (AAPI) (BECOME A PARALEGAL.ORG, 2013-2017).
Benefits of being certified
Employment: if an individual is certified, the chances of being employed are high. The
credentials demonstrate the skills that one possesses and many employers seek. Once a person is
certified, they become part of the few selected rather than one of the large many.
Client satisfaction: to be certified, one must possess a high level of administrative
abilities and competence. This makes someone efficient and their work is usually quality. If a
client is happy, they may refer you to other clients.
Profitability: a certified person is likely to get a higher job and salaries as compared to a
person who is not credited. This is because the certificate tends to praise somebody of their
skills. Also, many employers prefer the credited persons rather than the other
(, 2017).

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Running head: PARALEGAL CREDENTIALING ORGANIZATIONS Paralegal credentialing organizations Students name: Institution affiliation 1 PARALEGAL CREDENTIALING ORGANIZATIONS 2 Paralegal credentialing organizations These are organizations that certify people that have certain skills. Other than the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA), they are several others. They include National Federation of Paralegal Association (NFPA), NALS – The Association for Legal Professionals, and American Alliance of Paralegals (AAPI) (BECOME A PARALEGAL.ORG, 2013-2017). Benefits of being certified Employment: if an individual is certified, the chances of being employed are high. The credentials demonstrate the skills that one possesses and many employers seek. Once a person is certified, they become part of the few selected rather than one of the large many. Client satisfaction: to be certified, one must possess a high level of administrative abilities and competence. This makes someone efficient and their work is usually quality. If a client is happy, they may refer you to other clients. Profitability: a certified person is likely to get a higher job and salaries as compared to a person ...
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