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Delivering Business Value With It At Hefty Hardware

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Delivering Business Value with IT at Hefty Hardware

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Delivering business value with it at Hefty Hardware
Efficiency of partnership between IT and business at Hefty Hardware
The partnership between IT and business at Hefty Hardware is highly inefficient.
From the interaction between the senior corporate officers of the company, it is evident that,
although that company strives and spends heavily to incorporate IT in its practices, the output
generated from IT has been very limited. At the same time, it is evident that not many of the
officers have a good understanding of IT and how they could utilize it in their practices.
Moreover, while some members of the management are contented with the level of IT
integration in their practices, others are disgruntled with the level of adoption as well as the
way that the IT team conducts its business. They feel that a lot needs to be done.
One key area that shows that IT the partnership between IT and the business is
inefficient is the goals of the two. They simply act like two separate divisions. While IT is
supposed to be integrated within the business and help in pushing forward the corporate
objectives, the case is different at Hefty Hardware. According to Keillor & Wilkinson (2011),
21st-century businesses adopt IT with the purpose of achieving corporate strategies faster than
they did with the classical methods, while at the same time streamlining operations and
achieving efficiency. However, the vice president of retail sales, Cheryl, cannot comprehend
the role of IT in executing the goals of the business. She feels that the IT in the business
operates in its own way rather than helping the company realize its strategy despite the huge
investments that the company places on it.
Other than failing to align their operations to the corporate goals, the IT team does not
understand the corporate business. This is evident in the conduct of the IT personnel, and who
are less concerned about the business practices at the company. In fact, it is only the CFO that
appreciates that appreciates his IT account manager, and who is highly responsive to

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Running head: DELIVERING BUSINESS VALUE WITH IT AT HEFTY HARDWARE Delivering Business Value with IT at Hefty Hardware Names: Institution: 1 DELIVERING BUSINESS VALUE WITH IT AT HEFTY HARDWARE 2 Delivering business value with it at Hefty Hardware Efficiency of partnership between IT and business at Hefty Hardware The partnership between IT and business at Hefty Hardware is highly inefficient. From the interaction between the senior corporate officers of the company, it is evident that, although that company strives and spends heavily to incorporate IT in its practices, the output generated from IT has been very limited. At the same time, it is evident that not many of the officers have a good understanding of IT and how they could utilize it in their practices. Moreover, while some members of the management are contented with the level of IT integration in their practices, others are disgruntled with the level of adoption as well as the way that the IT team conducts its business. They feel that a lot needs to be done. One key area that shows that IT the partnership between IT and the business is inefficient is the goals of the two. They simply act like two separate divisions. While IT is supposed to be integrated within the business and help in pushing forward the corporate objectives, the case is different at Hefty Hardware. According to Keillor & Wilkinson (2011), 21st-century businesses adopt IT with the purpose of achieving corporate strategies faster than they did w ...
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