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The American Dream

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The American Dream
Student’s Name
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The Concept of American Dream
The American dream sits deep and tight within the American society. The dream is proudly
proclaimed in the independence declaration which recognizes thatAll men are equally created’
possessing the right to live, liberty and happiness pursuit.Americans believe that life should be
fuller, better and more productive for every American citizen, availing opportunities for every
individual depending on their ability or success in life irrespective of their class in the society or
condition of birth( Adam J.1931)
The American founding fathers envisioned that every individual pursuit of happiness is a
necessary driver of a healthy society and hence, so the need for the creation of a government to
protect it.However, this pursuit of happiness and all idea of unalienable right initially recognized
white American as the sole beneficiaries of the American dream.It excluded black slaves and other
people not lucky to possess the properties.Over the years, the right was made a privilege for every
native American through various legislation.
The modernization of the American dream started by the emancipation proclamation which
outlawed slavery as well as the amendment number 19 that gave women the right to vote under
the watch of president Wilson.The title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 which was promoted by
President Johnson broadened a dream to encompass the protection of workers from discrimination
by either race, color, religion, sex or national origin.The dream has also been extended to cover
pursuit of happiness in marriage by protecting the right to marry a partner irrespective of the sexual

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Running head:THE AMERICAN DREAM 1 The American Dream Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation THE AMERICAN DREAM 2 The Concept of American Dream The American dream sits deep and tight within the American society. The dream is proudly proclaimed in the independence declaration which recognizes that’All men are equally created’ possessing the right to live, liberty and happiness pursuit.Americans believe that life should be fuller, better and more productive for every American citizen, availing opportunities for every individual depending on their ability or success in life irrespective of their class in the society or condition of birth( Adam J.1931) The American founding fathers envisioned that every individual pursuit of happiness is a necessary driver of a healthy society and hence, so the need for the creation of a government to protect it.However, this pursuit of happiness and all idea of unalienable right initially recognized white American as the sole beneficiaries of the American dream.It excluded black slaves and other people not lucky to possess the properties.Over the years, the right was made a privilege for every native American through various legislation. ...
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