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The Creation Of Hope

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The Creation of Hope
Institutional Affiliation

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Hope and possibility are very crucial things in counselling that help the client deal with the
problems they have. The counsellor therefore among other priorities should have the creation of
hope in the client as one. Goal setting is one way that can be used to create hope in the client and
the counsellor can help in the identification of the appropriate goals that will lead to the solution
of the problem. Identifying resources ad looking at the desired outcome also helps in the
identification of goals. The next task is then getting the client to commit to the change. A
strategy would be to help the client see the magnitude of the problem and bring out the need to
solve it.

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Running Head: THE CREATION OF HOPE The Creation of Hope Institutional Affiliation Name Date 2 Abstract Hope and possibility are very crucial things in counselling that help the client deal with the problems they have. The counsellor therefore among other priorities should have the creation of hope in the client as one. Goal setting is one way that can be used to create hope in the client and the counsellor can help in the identification of the appropriate goals that will lead to the solution of the problem. Identifying resources ad looking at the desired outcome also helps in the identification of goals. The next task is then getting the client to commit to the change. A strategy would be to help the client see the magnitude of the problem and bring out the need to solve it. 3 The Creation of Hope In all counseling sessions, clients expect their problems to be solved or their situation dealt with. The counseling sessions play an essential role in ensuring that they create hope to the clients that there will be the possibility of change and their problems will be solved. Most clients opt for counseling as their last resort and hope to get help at the end. Therefore, counselors should be in a position of the creation of hope and possibility. Various ways can be used by counselors in the creation of hope and possibility to the clients. In counseling sessions, counselors should examine their clients thoroughly to identify any visible signs that prove they have a problem. S ...
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