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Rousseau On The Difference Between Appearances And Virtue.

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Rousseau on the difference between "appearances" and "virtue
According to Rousseau, virtue is the inner value and the hearts disposition whereas
appearances are the outward view of someone. He argues that appearances are simply decency,
and it does not reflect one’s inner value or virtue (Rousseau 37). Rousseau states that although
good attire can imply a wealthy man and elegance the taste of a man, but a healthy and robust
man is known by other signs. He states that although a farmer can appear with rusty clothes, he
has more virtue and body strength as compared to those appearing to be elegant whereas they
have weaker bodies and lack virtue. Appearances are simply perfected by ornamentation, but
virtue walks with a man wherever the man goes. He compares virtue and appearances to an
athlete and states that the best athlete is the one that competes in nudes or with skimpy dressing
(Rousseau 37). He states that to a true athlete, ornamentation hampers his strength and
ornamentation was only invented to hide deformity. He however, acknowledges that virtue and
appearances seldom walk together just like philosophy were inseparable from a philosopher.
Rousseau argues that the evolution of art is the core actor in derailing the true meaning of
virtue (Rousseau 44). Art made people to start focusing on appearances rather than the inner
value and beauty of humans and property. He states that the ability to see through each other is
the core to discovery of virtue, but art derailed this fundamental virtue into focus on appearances
(Rousseau 44).

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Surname 1 Student’s name: Instructor: Course: Date: Rousseau on the difference between "appearances" and "virtue” According to Rousseau, virtue is the inner value and the hearts disposition whereas appearances are the outward view of someone. He argues that appearances are simply decency, and it ...
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