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Market Analysis

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Market analysis

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Market analysis
The Wal Mart Company operates different retail stores across America. The company has
some retail outlets and hypermarkets as well as grocery stores and discount. The company aims
at providing customers with a variety of products but at affordable prices. However, the company
has still not exploited all opportunities in the market since it has not established its stores in some
locations where there are potential customers. The company has a large number of stores across
the world, but this does not guarantee its success because current trends require adjustments that
will make its operations successful (Gaile, 2010). For instance, the company has the opportunity
of using technology to reach out to a broad number of customers in various parts of the world.
This implies that the company does not need to have physical locations where people can
purchase what they want as e-commerce should facilitate the business activity. The paper
provides a market analysis for the company and provides a Product Innovation Charter for online
business transactions.
PEST analysis
Wal Mart Company operates in an environment of which it is affected by some external
factors. In this case, the political, economic, social-cultural and technological factors change the
way in which the business operations in the organizations are run (Grose & Ziemnowicz, 2001).
The factors that affect the external environment of the corporation include;
i. Political

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Running Head: MARKET ANALYSIS 1 Market analysis Name Professor Institution Course Date MARKET ANALYSIS 2 Market analysis Introduction The Wal Mart Company operates different retail stores across America. The company has some retail outlets and hypermarkets as well as grocery stores and discount. The company aims at providing customers with a variety of products but at affordable prices. However, the company has still not exploited all opportunities in the market since it has not established its stores in some locations where there are potential customers. The company has a large number of stores across the world, but this does not guarantee its success because current trends require adjustments that will make its operations successful (Gaile, 2010). For instance, the company has the opportunity of using technology to reach out to a broad number of customers in various parts of the world. This implies that the company does not need to have physical locations where people can purchase what they want as e-commerce should facilitate the business activity. The paper provides a market analysis for the company and provides a Product Innovation Charter for online business transactions. PEST analysis Wal Mart Company operates in an environment of which it is affected by some external factors. In this case, the political, economic, social-cultural and technological factors change the way in which the business operations in the organizations are run (Grose & Ziemnowicz, 2001). The ...
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