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Summary Article Medical Dramas On Television A Brief Guide

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Hirt, C., Wong, S. Erichsen, S. & White, J. S. (2013). Medical dramas on television:
A brief Guide for Educators. Medical Teacher. Vol: 35. 237-242
Summary Essay: Medical dramas on television: A brief Guide for Educators
Healthcare educators have identified scenes, clips, and episodes from medical
television dramas to be an important medium to educate and aware the medical students and
practice residents about various aspects of healthcare including healthcare communication,
disease management, pathological representations, and therapeutic techniques used in
management of psychiatric illness (Hirt, C., Wong, S. Erichsen, S. & White, J. S., 2013). The
article provides a systematic analysis of medical dramas produced between 1990 to 2009 and
develops guide for each drama based on the methodologies, practices, and terms relevant to
medical education.
The analysis of 177 episodes from TV medical dramas that were most easily and
feasibly available, relevant, and applicable to medical education including Northern
Exposure, Cardiac Arrest, ER, Scrubs, House, Doc Martin, Grey’s Anatomy, and Nurse
Jackie revealed that the content and topics represented in these dramas could be used to
enhance professionalism, communication skills, knowledge, and comfort to handle sensitive
medical situations (Hirt, C., Wong, S. Erichsen, S. & White, J. S., 2013). The article views
and analyses each drama according to its own domain and its uses in medical education. For
example, TV shows such as ER and Scrubs emphasize on the importance of learning and
teaching in the healthcare environment and House and Grey’s Anatomy broadcast more
ethical issues related to team work and professionalism. Each drama viewed in this article has
its own unique content and context and each drama has its own potential for its usage in the
medical education.

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By reading the article, I learned the importance of TV medical dramas in raising
public awareness about healthcare related issues ranging from medical assessments, physical
examinations, to management and data security. Considering the popularity and strong
viewership of medical dramas among medical students, it is highly probable that students
would consider the representations on the TV to be authentic and appropriate reflection of
reality. Therefore, it is important for the medical educators and drama production staff to
remove any biases from the content and broadcast the content that is closest to real-life
medical practice and management.
I found this article from Google Scholar by searching the keywords “medical dramas
on television” and I immediately selected this article for analysis once I saw that the article
was a peer reviewed article and used as citations in a number of other credible articles. I
found the article easily on the database and I would recommend anyone to use Google
Scholar for finding scholarly credible articles.

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RUNNING HEAD: ARTICLE SUMMARY Article Hirt, C., Wong, S. Erichsen, S. & White, J. S. (2013). Medical dramas on television: A brief Guide for Educators. Medical Teacher. Vol: 35. 237-242 Summary Essay: Medical dramas on television: A brief Guide for Educators Healthcare educators have identified scenes, clips, and episodes from medical television dramas to be an important medium to educate and aware the medical students and practice residents about various aspects of healthcare including healthcare communication, disease management, pathological representations, and therapeutic techniques used in management of psychiatric illness (Hirt, C., Wong, S. Erichsen, S. & White, J. S., 2013). The article provides a systematic analysis of medical dramas produced between 1990 to 2009 and develops guide for each drama based on the methodologies, practices, and terms relevant to medical education. Th ...
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