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Counter Cultures
Jonathan Livingston seagull by
Richard Bach
On the Road
by Jack Kerouac
Theme- being true to oneself and not following
other blindly
Character analysis- The author personifies a
seagull which becomes the main character.
Jonathan wants to be different from other
seagulls by moving away from the status quo.
Setting- the sky symbolizing the freedom to do
what one desires as well as fly wherever.
Plot- the flocks of seagulls are not free thinkers
as Jonathan who finds a higher purpose of life
and is exiled because of this.
Conflict- the conflict that stands out in this
works is man versus his society.
Symbolism- the author uses the sky as well as
the seagull as symbols of flying high and
acquiring freedom.
1. Defying social norms
identifies with both works
2. The characters want to be
different from other people
3. Symbolism has been used in
both works to illustrate an idea
that is hidden.
4. Both works depict the life of
individuals who are on a path
of self-identification and
5. Both works can help an
individual identify with their
journey of self-discovery.
6. A society that is not ready to
change or seek new
knowledge .
Theme- the themes are freedom,
sadness, spirituality, as well as
different versions of reality
Setting- the setting is an in the 2
world war.
Character analysis- the characters used
are real people who are predominantly
different, with each having a unique
experience in the world.
Plot- the works entails a plot analysis
structured in three parts.
Conflict- in this literary works, the
conflict that stands out is in regard to
being different from the rest of the
Symbolism- various symbols illustrated
here such as the young girls, the
Cadillac, and the watch.

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How Literature defines any culture
Culture can be described as the norms as well as the social behaviors that are seen in the
society (Rose, 2008). This phenomenon is at most times passed on through aspects of social
learning. Literature and culture have long complemented each other since much of the literature
has its inspirations from the present or past culture. Many authors study the society and come up
with concepts of what they consider to be a present reality and culture, and then use literature to
tell and illustrate this reality. Literature is thus used in educating the society about the previous
cultures, pertaining to the negative and positive aspects that plagued the culture of the time.
Literature can also define the counter culture in that one can see how things were done and
choose to do them differently, so as to achieve a different result.
The tools that the authors are equipped with to help tell their story are literal devices.
These devices are instrumental in bringing to life the works of the authors, which portray the
essence of culture and help the average reader acquire insight regarding several aspects of the
society concerning culture. Literature helps in the reflection of the culture during the period it
was written thus helping shape the future regarding learning from mistakes or adapting solutions
that were used in the past (Guard, 2013). Present literature will also be useful for those who
come later, in that they will acquire a glimpse regarding how things were done during our time
and thus learn a lot as well as improve on their lifestyle.

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Counter Cultures On the Road Jonathan Livingston seagull by by Jack Kerouac Richard Bach Theme- the themes are freedom, Theme- being true to oneself and not following 1. other blindly Defying social norms identifies with both works sadness, spirituality, as well as different versions of reality The characters want to be Setting- the setting is an in the 2nd different from other people world war. Symbolism has been used in Character analysis- the characters used seagulls by moving away from the status quo. both works to illustrate an idea are real people who are predominantly Setting- the sky symbolizing the freedom to do that is hidden. Character analysis- The author personifies a 2. seagull which becomes the main character. Jonathan wants to be different from other what one desires as well as fly wherever. 3. 4. Both w ...
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