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San System...

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Running Head: USE OF SAN SYSTEM 1
Use of SAN System
Institutional Affiliation

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Use of Storage Area Network
Storage area network is a system which provides a stable block level data storage, and it
improves the storage devices such as tape libraries, disk arrays, and optical jukeboxes. By
enhancing their storage capabilities, these devices appear to the operating system has devices
attached locally. For middle-level organizations, the use of SAN brings a lot of advantages with
them. I would use SAN in the virtual storage of image so that the storage volume can be
improved with high fault tolerance and bandwidth. The use of this system would ensure that
images are stored in large capacity. The importance of the system is that it creates the room for
information sharing, the only challenge which can face this project is the complex administration
system. For the stored images, the company can provide faster access to the consumers due to the
nature of the system (Tate, Beck, Kumaravel, & Miklas, 2016).
The advantage of using this network is the cost of operation which is suitable for
medium-sized businesses. For this project, the sharing of the images will be easy as the system
operates with its network of storage devices which are not accessible through the local area
network. The different block functions on their own thus preventing any form of interruption.
The use of various blocks will ensure that images are accessed with it the shortest time possible.
It is suitable for the site as more people will have the opportunity to visit it. It is necessary for
more people to visit the site as more revenue will be created. SAN also provides multiple
systems with no limit to the disks which can be attached to the system. The SAN system
improves the level of operation, efficiency, and data recovery process (Loftis, Kline, Vetter, &
Clark, 2014).

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Running Head: USE OF SAN SYSTEM 1 Use of SAN System Name Institutional Affiliation USE OF SAN SYSTEM 2 Use of Storage Area Network Storage area network is a system which provides a stable block level data storage, and it improves the storage devices such as tape libraries, disk arrays, and optical jukeboxes. By enhancing their storage capabilities, these devices appear to the operating system has devices attached locally. For middle-level organizations, the use of SAN brings a lot of advantages with them. I would use SAN in the virtual storage of image so that the storage volume can be improved with high fault tolerance and bandwidth. The use of this system would ensure that images are stored in large capacity. The importance of the system is that it creates the room for information sharing, the only challenge which can face this project is the complex administration system. For ...
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