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Realism Theory

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Realism Theory

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Realism Theory
Realism is a theory in international relations that puts more emphasis on the role of the
nation-state and makes a big assumption that all the nation states are motivated by national
interest and that the national interests can be used to disguise the moral concerns of a given state
(Waltz, 2008). The main idea behind the theory is centered on an assumption of human
behaviors; this is because the human behaviors are related concerned about ego, and the
individual desires and passion and in most case represent the evil in the human beings. The
theory argues that if human beings are left to do what they want they can carry out evil activities
on others. Realists characteristically give primary emphasis to egoistic passions and the tragic
presence of evil in all political action (Donnelly, 2000).
The theory is so important since it focuses on the distribution outcomes in an unbiased
manner and helps to tell who gains what regardless of the selfish human interest that might arise.
The theory of realism helps in rejection of idealistic prescription of how the world should be and
makes a conclusion to matters putting everybody's interest under consideration. The theory is
also faced with some challenges as it does not fully understand the importance of the norms and
institution on the global level, this is because the theory tends to major on structure more than
shared values which can have a greater impact in the shaping of units. The theory of realism also
has a weakness of being sterile since it only considers the real and harsh world conditions and
tries to mold different policies under these conditions instead of trying to change them (Millikan,
A good example which shows how the theory of international realism can affect the
countries was the event when President Donald Trump withdrew United States relations with
Cuba in June 2017. When President Donald Trump assumed power, he withdrew all the relations

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Running head: REALISM THEORY 1 Realism Theory Name Institution REALISM THEORY 2 Realism Theory Realism is a theory in international relations that puts more emphasis on the role of the nation-state and makes a big assumption that all the nation states are motivated by national interest and that the national interests can be used to disguise the moral concerns of a given state (Waltz, 2008). The main idea behind the theory is centered on an assumption of human behaviors; this is because the human behaviors are related concerned about ego, and the individual desires and passion and in most case represent the evil in the human beings. The theory argues that if human beings are left to do what they want they can carry out evil activities on others. Realists characteristically give primary emphasis to egoistic passions and the tragic presence of evil in all political action (Donnelly, 2 ...
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