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World Cup teams changed the game forever' for U.S. by Kevin Baxte
Soccer is a type of game played by two opposing teams on a field. Each of the groups
possesses ten players and a goalkeeper who ensures that the opponents do not score any goal.
Also, this game includes a referee who is under control of all that is happening in the field. This
game is also known as football mainly because the ball is always hit on foot if ones come in
touches the ball with his own hands the referee calls for a penalty (Castagna, Carlo, 2017).
According to Kevin Baxter, there was a close time when the United States soccer team
was to play. The environmental conditions on that Monday were not conducive for sporting
because the field got flooded with water. All the corner flags were the only visible items in the
area due to their high position from the ground. It is found interesting that they were forced to
play in the same field, which was to be achieved through plumbing the flooded waters away
from the area. The pump affected draining the grass surface. Both teams during the night before
the game were forced to do practice in the field though it had some water. Still, this made the
sides unhappy.

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Kevin Baxter was a writer about the ball games in Los Angeles Times. He had
experienced for summer Olympics, American pan games, world cups, and even World Series
games (Castillo, Daniel, 2017). This guy is one of the favorite authors because he gives the
whole and the true story of what happened and solution which was made by those involved.

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Insert surname 1 Professor’s name Student’s name Course title Date World Cup teams changed the game forever' for U.S. by Kevin Baxte Soccer is a type of game played by two opposing teams on a field. Each of the groups possesses ten players and a goalkeeper who ensures that the opponents do not score any goal. Also, this game includes a referee who is under control of all that is happening in the field. This game is also known as football mainly because the ball is always hit on foot if ones come in touches the ball with his own hands the referee calls for a penalty (Castagna, Carlo, 2017). According to Kevin Baxter, there was a close time when the United States soccer team was to play. The environmental conditions on that Monday were not conducive for sporting because the field got flooded with water. All the corner flags were the only visible items in the area due to their high po ...
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