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Final Paper

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Holland Enterprises: Compensation and benefits system Recommendations
Compensation and benefit components are a critical area for the company’s HR
management, because they greatly affect employee behavior. For the sake of long term success
of the organization, employees have to perceive their compensation as fair, motivating, easy to
understand, and competitive in the market. On the other hand, the organizations aim is to ensure
profitability hence the need to control labor costs. This poses a challenge to the organization’s
management especially in adopting a compensation system which motivates employees towards
quality services and high productivity, while at the same time controlling operating costs. For an
effective compensation system, the company has to acknowledge this challenge and address it
especially in today’s competitive environment where unfair pay results to high employee
turnover and low productivity, while over ambitious pay results to high labor cost leading to low
profitability of the organization (Ellis, 2008). This proposal will highlight what a fair and
competitive compensation should look like, and will address the key variables which ought to be
considered and analyzed when computing a compensation package.
Compensation and benefit philosophy
Today’s competitive business environment calls for companies commitment towards
employee compensation and making necessary changes towards adopting a fair and competitive
benefits package. The organization’s current high employee turnover clearly indicates that the
company’s compensation package is neither fair nor competitive, hence the low employee
satisfaction. The company has to seek ways of developing high performance and committed
employees (LJS, 2014). However, it is always challenging to adopt these changes and ensure

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Running head: BUS 434 FINAL PAPER 1 Final Paper Name Tutor Institution Course Date BUS 434 FINAL PAPER 2 Holland Enterprises: Compensation and benefits system Recommendations Introduction Compensation and benefit components are a critical area for the company’s HR management, because they greatly affect employee behavior. For the sake of long term success of the organization, employees have to perceive their compensation as fair, motivating, easy to understand, and competitive in the market. On the other hand, the organization’s aim is to ensure profitability hence the need to control labor costs. This poses a challenge to the organization’s management especially in adopting a compensation system which motivates employees towards quality services and high productivity, while at the same time controlling operating costs. For an effective compensation system, the company has to acknowledge this challenge and address it especially in today’s competitive environment where unfair pay results to high employee turnover and low productivity, while over ambitious pay results to high labor cost leading to low profitability of the organization (Ellis, 2008). This proposal will highlight what a fair and competitive compensation should look like, and will address the key variables which ought to be considered and analyzed when computing a compensation package. Compensation and benefit philosophy Today’s competitive business environment calls for companies’ commitment tow ...
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