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Ethics Of Care

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Running Head: ETHICS OF CARE 1
Ethics of Care
Institutional Affiliation

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Primarily, the ethics of care is of the assumption that benevolence or care as a virtue is
essential and foundational to any kind of moral action (Robinson, 2011). The theory is one of the
several normative ethical theories, which were developed and propagated by feminists in the 20
century. In the interview, Sheryl points out that women have often been left out in the decision-
making process that impacts the world. She alludes to the men and women having different
moral compasses when she says that men have always been the decision makers in the world,
and that has gotten us into a lot of trouble. She states that the men run every Industry and every
government in all countries, yet they do not have the caring perspective or care based morality,
that is necessary to make decisions that affect many people.
My own experiences prove Sandberg’s assumption to be true in the sense that women
have not been given an equal seat at the decision-making table. Even in class meetings, girls will
not see the need to air their views since they have gotten the impression that men are not
concerned in hearing them out. This means that the decisions made which affect the world do not
have the feminine touch that is comprised of caring perspective but is riddled with the men’s
touch, namely a perspective that is justice based. Women should thus be given an equal seat at
the table of decision-making so that they can bring their touch on board and thus help put a
caring perspective in the decisions that are made in the world. Women should also rally behind
each other since they have numbers and can bring change to the world.

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Running Head: ETHICS OF CARE 1 Ethics of Care Name Institutional Affiliation ETHICS OF CARE 2 Primarily, the ethics of care is of the assumption that benevolence or care as a virtue is essential and foundational to any kind of moral action (Robinson, 2011). The theory is one of the several normative ethical theories, which were developed and propagated by feminists in the 20th century. In the interview, Sheryl points out that women have often been left out in the decisionmaking process that impacts the world. She alludes to the men and women having different moral compasses when she says that men have always been the decision makers in the world, and that has gotten us into a lot of trouble. She states that the men run every Industry and every government in all countries, yet they do not have the caring perspective or care based morality, that is necessary to make decisions that af ...
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