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Research on Changing Technological Needs

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Iteration 1: Research on Changing Technological Needs
The use of action research in the DevOps in the financial domain helps in making sure
that there is understanding of the changes taking place in the environment and the preparation
towards the achievement of the goals of the organizations. The iterations guide the process of
research, and this improves the need to align the systems of the company to the changes in the
environment. The financial industry is likely to benefit from DevOps, and this means that there is
an improvement of the interaction of the systems with the users and the determination of the
various challenges that the company is likely to experience while delivering on the mandate of
the organization. In the case, the iteration focuses on the environment of operation and the ability
to increase the performance of the financial institutions.
The plan is to coordinate with the parties of the project in helping to understand the
changes that take place and the requirements of the client in the implementation of the project.
Jason and Annette are an important part of the project in the discussion of the budgets and the
process of approvals. The analysis of the budgets involves the assessment of the microservices
and the containers needed in the digitization of the company products. The presentation of the
products for approval ensures that there is the development of the upstream and the downstream
standards and the determination of the challenges likely to be faced. Once the approval is
validated by Jason, the next step is to engage the developers on the need for cloud computing and
the needs for the database. The coordination of the meetings at the different levels is to ensure
that the team understands the needs of the organization in the operation of the DevOps systems
and that there is embracing of the changes in technology.

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Running head: RESEARCH ON CHANGING TECHNOLOGICAL NEEDS Research on Changing Technological Needs Name Institution 1 RESEARCH ON CHANGING TECHNOLOGICAL NEEDS 2 Iteration 1: Research on Changing Technological Needs The use of action research in the DevOps in the financial domain helps in making sure that there is understanding of the changes taking place in the environment and the preparation towards the achievement of the goals of the organizations. The iterations guide the process of research, and this improves the need to align the systems of the company to the changes in the environment. The financial industry is likely to benefit from DevOps, and this means that there is an improvement of the interaction of the systems with the users and the determination of the various challenges that the company is likely to experience while delivering on the mandate of the organization. In the case, the iteration focuses on the environment of operation and the ability to increase the performance of the financial institutions. Planning The plan is to coordinate with the parties of the project in helping to understand the changes that take place and the requirements of the client in the implementation of the project. Jason and Annette are an important part of the project in the discussion of the budgets and the process of approvals. The analysis of the budgets involves the assessment of the microservices and the containers needed in the digitization of the company products. The prese ...
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