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Patient-Physician Relationship
The relationship that the patient shares with the doctors and the nurses is important in the
delivery of medical services. Some of the qualities that foster good relationships include trust,
which forms the basis of this relationship (DeBenedette). For a doctor to make a full diagnosis of
a patient’s condition, the latter has to trust the physician and not withhold information that can
assist in the process, similarly, the doctor is expected to refrain from divulging confidential
information regarding the patient. Other equally important qualities that enhance good
relationships include good communication between the involved parties, respect, and fairness.
The aforementioned qualities are essential since they give the patient confidence to share
necessary information with the physician. However, there are also qualities that detract patient-
physician relationship such as the patient not understanding medical terminologies which makes
the relationship passive. Moreover, the patient may feel that some information is incriminating,
and due to fear of intimidation, they end up withholding it (DeBenedette). The patient may also
feel that some information regarding their health is not worth the physician’s time which makes
the relationship quite unproductive.
Primarily, the positive qualities work for the benefit of the patient, and thus I believe that
they are more important in comparison with the detractors. Clearly, the patient is more satisfied
if the relationship with the physician is positive. Patients tend to be open with the doctors that
appear trustworthy, fair and respectful. Comparatively, the same patients will not cooperate if the

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relationship between them and the physician is flawed by the negative qualities. Thus, the quality
of the relationship counts vis-à-vis the medical care that everyone receives, including me.

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Surname 1 Student Tutor Course Date Patient-Physician Relationship The relationship that the patient shares with the doctors and the nurses is important in the delivery of medical services. Some of the qualities that foster good relationships include trust, which forms the basis of this relationship (DeBenedette). For a doctor to make a full diagnosis of a patient’s condition, the latter has to trust the physician and not withhold information that can assist in the process, similarly, the doctor is expected to refrain from divulging confidential information regarding the patient. Other equally important qualities that enhance good relationships include good communication between the involved parties, respect, and fairness. The aforementioned qualities are essential since they give the patient confidence to share necessary information with the physician. However, there are also qualitie ...
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