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Internet Use Policy

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Internet Use Policy
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Internet Use Policy
A good internet use policy should provide the employees of an institution rules and
guiding principles on the use of the institution’s internet facilities. The use of the internet by
employees should be in the best interest of the business. For this reason, it is essential to have a
comprehensive internet use policy that ensures employees use the internet to realize the
company’s goals and objective.
The new internet use policy should be easy to learn and adhere. First, the employees
should be used responsibly by the employees to communicate, interact and learn in a way that
enhances the productivity of the company (Li, H., Zhang, J., & Sarathy, R., 2010). The internet
use policy should provide regulations that govern the use and administration of the internet
facilities to the employees. Various employees in different roles can learn essential techniques
about their job on the internet which will eventually lead to the development of their
workstations. The workers should not use the internet for social connections with friends and
families during work hours. Instead, they should focus on the primary objective of their jobs and
help achieve them.
The security of the internet should also be a critical factor in any internet use policy.
Transfer of files, exchange of emails and handling of financial information is critical to any
company. Therefore, a good internet use policy should provide for good security. It can get
achieved by ensuring that internet in the company’s computers is only accessed by the people
authorized by the management (Doherty, N. F., Anastasakis, L., & Fulford, H., 2011). Use of
passwords should ensure that only permitted people to access the internet in the relevant
workstations. Also, staff should get prohibited from accessing websites and other internet
material that may infringe the integrity of the data in the computers.

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Running head: INTERNET USE POLICY 1 Internet Use Policy Student’s Name University Affiliation Instructor Submission Date INTERNET USE POLICY 2 Internet Use Policy A good internet use policy should provide the employees of an institution rules and guiding principles on the use of the institution’s internet facilities. The use of the internet by employees should be in the best interest of the business. For this reason, it is essential to have a comprehensive internet use policy that ensures employees use the internet to realize the company’s goals and objective. The new internet use policy should be easy to learn and adhere. First, the employees should be used responsibly by the employees to communicate, interact and learn in a way that enhances the productivity of the company (Li, H., Zhang, J., & Sarathy, R., 2010). The internet use policy should provide regulations that govern the use and administration of the internet facilities to the employees. Various employees in different roles can learn essential techniques about their job on the internet which will eventually lead to the development of their workstations. The workers should not use the internet for social connections with friends and families during work hours. Instead, they should focus on the primary objective of their jobs and help achieve them. The security of the internet should also be a critical factor in any internet use policy. Transfer of files, exchange of emails and handling of financial infor ...
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