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Relating To Real Life 3 Updated 1

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Relating To Real Life
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Regarding the chapter 7(memory) I have decided to share the unique quote about Rehearsing
repeatedly. Rehearsing is a cognitive process which aids in remembering and learning
especially the challenging concepts. It involves saying aloud or thinking over and over the
same thing (meditating) until the idea, theory or the materials become part of you. According
to Thomas Landauer (2001, p 214) advise rehearse the name or number you are trying to
memorize, wait for a few seconds,… the wait should be as long as possible without losing the
information rehearsal will help you retain material.
I will give a clear example of how rehearsing repeatedly can play a modest role in
remembering and how learning can be enjoyable when employing rehearsing as a strategy in
learning. Back in my high school time, I used to get a lousy grade in chemistry. This resulted
hating the subject, not because I never understood the subject but because I found it absorbing
during classroom teaching, but when the exam comes I get a failing grade. This happened
because I could not recall some concepts and procedure, especially in lab practices.
One day I was anxious to know how the top performers in chemistry made it. I approached
one of my friend who explained the methods and strategies he uses to study the subject. He
told I only need to rehearse repeatedly after class teaching and more fluently towards the
exams period. I bought the advice and practiced it over and over on throughout the term. I did
not believe it until the chemistry exam paper was in front of me. I still doubted that I might
not remember what has been told just like before. But the things were different, when I started
answering the questions, I could easily remember everything, and as a result, I thought the

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Running Head: RELATING TO REAL LIFE Relating To Real Life Institution’s Name Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course code Date 1 RELATING TO REAL LIFE 2 REHEARSING Regarding the chapter 7(memory) I have decided to share the unique quote about Rehearsing repeatedly. Rehearsing is a cognitive process which aids in remembering and learning especially the challenging concepts. It involves saying aloud or thinking over and over the same thing (meditating) until the idea, theory or the materials become part of you. According to Thomas Landauer (2001, p 214) advise “rehearse the name or number you are trying to memorize, wait for a few seconds,… the wait should be as long as possible without losing the information” rehearsal will help you retain material. I will give a clear example of how rehearsing repeatedly can play a modest role in remembering and how learning can be enjoyable when employing rehearsing as a strategy in learning. Back in my high school time, I used to get a lousy grade in chemistry. This resulted hating the subject, not because I never understood the subject but because I found it absorbing during classroom teaching, but when the exam comes I get a ...
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