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Culture Of Texas

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Culture of Texas
The Mexican government gave an incentive to Anglo American settlers to relocate to the
Mexican province that was occupied by American Indians. The settlers broughtindentured
slavesand contract laborers,’ skills, literacy and money, establishing homes in the frontier.
Conflict ensued between settlers and indigenous populations and the Native Tejanos lost their
land. The frontier attracted immigrants from Germany, Ireland, Poland, France and other
countries, bringing culture, languages and new perspectives that influenced the distinct heritage
of Texas (Morris n.d.). The frontier was the beginning of a complex urban Texan society and
culture. The dominant culture was farming and ranching, with cotton and cattle being leading
products. The introduction of slavery in Texas became the breeding ground for the Anglo-Indian
conflicts and the Civil War (Morris n.d.). As the Texas frontier closed, the region had undergone
an experience that turned the largely Southern populated region into a Westerner’s backyard.

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People’s Party, which was an agrarian reform movement referred to as Populism, was
founded in Texas as the People’s party grew from Grange, Greenback party and Farmer’s
Alliance to become the most successful third-party movement in the history of Texas (Agrarian
Revolt and the Farmer’s Alliance n.d.).
The state had grass-root communication structure based on the largest state alliance in the
nation. The alliance was born in Texas, where extensive and innovative projects were created.
Texas began formulating a third party in the 1880s which culminated in the formation of
People’s party in 1891 (Agrarian Revolt and the Farmer’s Alliance n.d.).
As the 19
century came to an end, Texas became the largest producer of cattle and
cotton. The urban society grew as Blacks and Mexicans made progress in their economic and
education status, although there were still rigid discrimination under the law. The Democratic
Party controlled politics and government and the state faced land policy issues, railroad
regulation and prohibition.

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SURNAME 1 Student: Professor: Course: Date: Culture of Texas 1. The Mexican government gave an incentive to Anglo American settlers to relocate to the Mexican province that was occupied by American Indians. The settlers brought ‘indentured slaves’ and contract laborers,’ skills, literacy and money, establishing homes in the frontier. Conflict ensued between settlers and indigenous populations and the Native Tejanos lost their land. The frontier attracted immigrants from Germany, Ireland, Poland, France and other countries, bringing culture, languages and new perspectives that influenced the distinct heritage of Texas (Morris n.d.). The frontier was the beginning of a complex urban Texan society and culture. The dominant culture was farming and ranching, with cotton and cattle being leading products. The introduction of slavery in Texas became the breeding ground for the Anglo-Ind ...
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